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Everything posted by qcbaker91

  1. I ran into the exact same problem here. I tried loading the A310 from a couple different airports with a couple different liveries (including the basic included liveries). Can't even connect the batteries, they simply won't turn on. That being said, the screens (except the EFB) all stay black (even if I select ground power). If i try to move my hardware throttle, the in-game throttles will not move, they won't even move if i click on them on screen, same thing for the speed brake (the flaps lever will move though). Cant get anything to power up, and only a few switches will move. I flew it a couple months ago now, without any issue, now I cant get any of the screens on and many switches don't work. What happened to the A310? Help please! 413350041_7020120511405581_6056431205550965107_n.mp4
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