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Everything posted by ponpon

  1. EDIT: I have this issue after pressing the F2 on the keyboard. I didn't have this issue before 1.0.5
  2. Hello, Same issue here, manual full power is 86%, and even worse : After a 2hr flight and after landing, my throttle axis controlled only the reverse. It was impossible to join the parking. I didn't change the setup during my flight and I confirm that my reverse axis option was unselected on the calibration page. I did a couple throttle calibration, I had still the issue. Engines work 100% with A/T. Aircraft concerned : A300-600F / Joystick : T.16000
  3. Hello, I flew plenty of time the A310, my fuel concumption was always very close to fuel prediction in my Simbrief planning until the SU13 update. When I accelerate the time during my flight, the fuel consumption doesn't match anymore with my fuel prediction. It seams the fuel consumption is based on real time instead of simulator time. An other player and I noticed the problem a month ago in the MSFS forum, without answer. I made a test flight today: LEVT -> EDDP / 940nm (time accel x4 most of the time) -Bloc fuel at the start : 16,6 t -Total fuel in the tank at the end : 12,2 t instead of 6.5 planned in my simbief flight. -A310 airframe in simbrief : All weights are the same as MSFS, no fuel factor. Any idea what's wrong ?
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