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Adrian Robinson

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Everything posted by Adrian Robinson

  1. I do have scenery for the airports I use is there something with those airports I can fix? I should say I use 3rd party airports
  2. @Nico - Gumby after the recent update I’m still getting this message.
  3. @Nico - Gumby so I’m still having this blank screen issue
  4. Now I’ve encountered another issue where when requesting simbrief the screen goes blank.
  5. So I’m assuming this will be fixed? As i use navigraph .
  6. I think it’s the aircraft because I don’t get that msg in my other planes.
  7. Ok thanks!!!!
  8. Also this is the only plane that gives this msg. I just bought the A300-600R
  9. My home airport KBDL
  10. Hi I’ve been getting this message setting up my simbrief flight plan. How can I fix this?
  11. Thank you so much!!!
  12. I’ve purchased the KJFK from inibuilds and was wondering is there a GSX profile? And for other inibuilds airports?
  13. Thank you so much I just submitted both.
  14. Hello all!! I’m new to this forum. I purchased both of these airports via The MSFS marketplace. How do I transfer these airports to the inibuilds app? And also I fly Delta airlines Fenix A320, and noticed when Parkin at the gates at KJFK I don’t see the Delta signs on the jetways. I also use GSX and have them excluded and use the ones that came with KJFK.
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