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Everything posted by janjoensson

  1. Thank you for your post! Agree that the airport is beautifully done. I did some more investigation yesterday. It seems the traffic is there, but as you say no traffic parks at the terminal, but for some reason on other areas, mainly around or inside the hangars. And when ai traffic land or ask for IFR clearance they are never able to request any taxi clearance, so they disappear as they get stuck soon after landing or IFR clearance. So there is need for an update. Do the developers read this forum @IniSteve? Best regards Jan
  2. Hi! Just bought the new EGJJ scenery which is very nice. However, after landing I don't get any possibilty to ask MSFS ATC for a parking postion. Why is that do you think? And it seems no ai traffic from FS Traffic is loading, although there are schedules for EGJJ. Any clues? Best regards Jan
  3. Thanks for quick reply! Had to reinstall, then log out and log in again. Now working (and just downloaded the new EGJJ scenery). Best regards Jan
  4. Hi! When trying to start the app nothing happens. The window pointer just "spins" a few seconds, then nothing happens. Strange. Any clues what to do? Best regards Jan
  5. Hi! When using EGLL with AI-traffic the ATC frequency for clearance and ground get so crowded that it is almost impossible as a user to get through. Much too crowded on that frequency on such a big airport. The solution for now is to regenerate traffic to be able to ask for taxi etc. I raised this question a year ago but ask again if any progress have been made. I know that in real life ground and tower are on the same frequency but it doesn't work very well with MSFS ATC. Maybe a choice can be added for the user to select to have those frequencies separated or real. Best regards Jan
  6. Thank you very much for this. I will do the order transfer later today. Best regards Jan
  7. Hi! Asked this in the support section of EGLL a week ago but try here as well. Do you have any ideas when the EGLL will be updated to the lates version on MSFS Marketplace? (should have bought it directly from iniBuilds I realise now, but hoping for the update to come to MSFS Marketplace aswell). Thank you for an excellent airport scenery by the way 🙂 Best regards Jan
  8. Hi! Do you have any ideas when the EGLL will be updated to the lates version on MSFS Marketplace? (should have bought it directly from iniBuilds I realise now, but hoping for the update to come to MSFS Marketplace aswell). Thank you for an excellent airport scenery by the way 🙂 Best regards Jan
  9. Hi! I really like the iniBuilds EGLL scenery. However it seems that the radio frequencies for clearance and taxi is the same, making it almost impossible to come through to MSFS ATC as the radio is congested with both IFR Clearance, push back and taxi requests and instructions when using for example FS Traffic/FSLTL. Can this be fixed? Best regards Jan
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