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Everything posted by maurs

  1. Same issue here. Vertical speed , manual setting, rest to 0. I have to use just the Level Change as turnaround 😞
  2. Many thanks! i will try asap at the desktop. That makes sense 🙂🙂
  3. I have similar issue after last update, A300-600, impossible to start APU from a cold and dark situation . No way , sure battery on and all procedures, I have familiarity with any aircraft from several years. some bug now with starting APU, can you double check pls after last release?
  4. sorry I posted previously details related KDEN-KIND, please find attached the right one KINDKDEN01.fpl
  5. That was 05R by simbrief , this is the route. KIND/05R N0452F340 ROCKY1 SPI DCT IRK DCT HSI DCT BRWRY LAWGR3 KDEN/34R full details https://dispatch.simbrief.com/options/custom?airline=FDX&fltnum=3608&orig=KDEN&dest=KIND&altn=KORD&date=01 Jan 2024 - 18%3A45&basetype=A30F&ac_order=registration&type=A30F&climb=250%2F300%2F78&cruisemode=CI&cruisesub=&descent=78%2F300%2F250&fuelfactor=1&callsign=FDX3608&reg=N307SB&fin=307&selcal=&planformat=lido&pounds=1&maps=1&taxiout=20&taxiin=8&flightrules=i&flighttype=s&altncount=1&navlog=1&etops=1&stepclimbs=0&tlr=0&notams=1&firnot=1&stehour=7200&stemin=1800&origrwy=34L&destrwy=32&fl=36000&pax=&cargo=85&manualpayload=&manualzfw=&contpct=auto&resvrule=auto&taxifuel=&minfob=&minfob_units=wgt&minfod=&minfod_units=wgt&melfuel=&melfuel_units=wgt&atcfuel=&atcfuel_units=wgt&wxxfuel=&wxxfuel_units=wgt&addedfuel_label=extra&addedfuel=&addedfuel_units=wgt&tankering=&tankering_units=wgt&pid=532292&cpt=mauro pepe&dxname=&manualrmk=&route=EMMYS8 ZIRKL PWE IRK USIRE KOLTS2&route_type=&targetfl=32000&targettas=459&disable_tracks=1&force_track=&avoid_airways=&include_fixes=&altnsadv_number=1&altnsadv_radius=431&altnsadv_cig=600&altnsadv_units_vis=m&altnsadv_vis=3000&altnsadv_units_rwy=ft&altnsadv_rwy=7000&altnsadv_exclude=&altnsadv_tsfgfz=1&altn_1_id=KORD&altn_1_rwy=28R&altn_1_fl=&altn_1_route=MEARZ7 MEARZ BRATN BONNT VEECK5&altn_2_id=&altn_2_rwy=auto&altn_2_fl=&altn_2_route=&altn_3_id=&altn_3_rwy=auto&altn_3_fl=&altn_3_route=&altn_4_id=&altn_4_rwy=auto&altn_4_fl=&altn_4_route=&toaltn_id=&eualtn_id=&etopsthreshold=60&etopsruleselector=&etops_exclude=&etopsentry=&etopsexit=&etopsaltn1=&etopsaltn2=&etopsaltn3=&etopsaltn4=&etopsaltn5=&etopsaltn6=&asp4_snapshot=disabled&debug_zerowind=0&static_id=&manual_acdata=
  6. How can you state it's not a bug? Did you try to replicate KIND-KDEN, routing by simbrief? i can do a regular fly from other airports, despite often need to Direct To, but hen it works ok. So how can't be a bug ? Also, sevral users are reporting issue with nav sys in this thread, so definitively I 'm sure something affected after last release system nav. I'm sure developers will find it
  7. Just now I tried the return route, KDEN - KIND and all it is fine just for some miles, then it lost again nav systems!
  8. In my case, KIND departure affect even Heading engaging , not just LNAV! So it's not a fault related to lock the track plan, but a fault that affect all Navigation System, so definitively an issue . Also after 500miles , so that has nothing to do with sids departure
  9. Ok but this thread is open for people experiencing issue with nav feature. And it could even happens for specifics sids departure... tried 4 times KIND - KDEN with every single procesure checked, no way to make navigation working even the heading
  10. Thanks for sharing that. I suspected it was related to some kind of SID points, I still have to replicate another flight when I will be at desktop. @ inibuilds please note KIND departure issue with navigation
  11. I have to quote Andysus123. Starting from KIND for KDEN . Done all procedures and following every single checklist. A300 simply does not follow the route, even several time tried with Direct to, even it has issue with heading manual tracking. Really don't know what's happened. It worked nice before updates!
  12. Guys, congratulation for this work of art. That's great. Anyway, I readed all concerning the internal engine sound are intentionally quiet, and users can balance from EFB , but despite that, as audio engineer I found extremely quiet that cockpit ambience. There should be more punch in bass sounds, and more audible engine, please do the cockpit more rich in harmonics and levels. Please also add a feature to make disappear the cargo playload, when that's 0 in EFB! THANKS!
  13. I confirm. No chance to having the Pro-Atc X working with the radio. Please fix asap guys! thanks!
  14. Beta inside program activated here, just hoping this incredible, very low sound was fixed. Nothing change, the sounds is year lights far from any other level of every other aircraft. Completely missing low frequency loocking in front of the cockpit. It's incredible they don't fix this, it's completely killer immersion, uneuseful addon I'd say. I suspect they can't replicate this issue and could be related just to some setup pc/audio configuration? help and fix pls
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