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  1. So 87 views and no one has seen similar happenings, yet it was clear to see a YT Streamer 'British Avgeek' had exact same issue when he was going into the new NUUK airport a few days back. If you watch his landing on an ILS approach you can see clearly his Distance to RW is showing 0.0 ? Be grateful if someone from Inibuilds could say yes we know, or Sorry it's you Wasp056. Thank you
  2. Coming into EGKK just now i noted my ILS Distance readout (Bottom Left of PD, under ILS Freq and Identifier) read 0.0 all the way in to Threshold and never showed any distance. Is this a 'Known Thing' or am i missing something here? Thank you
  3. Hey Eddie thanks for getting back to me. I was in the A330-300 F (RR) this morning on a EGPH -EDDB, so fairly recently in the chair. Let me answer your questions. I was not one of the early 24 downloaders instead waiting for the first couple of patches to come out, Non-the -less i have done a re-install and only this morning had Steam verify the files (x2 files found & re-downloaded). I have since found that the Dome lights have 2 switches and not the one like the A320 family, so sorted on that one. The Taxi light is on as if you look at the Nose gear from the front you can see the light switch on and Off, but it throws NO LIGHT at all on the RW, just a white disk on the NG. If you switch it to TO position it works fine, not a huge issue as i switch to this position when taxing on a dark Edinburgh Airport, but it is not working like it does in Fenix or FBW on the 320 family or even the 380. My RW lights just don't come on at all!! No working around this, they are needed but don't work. When you go outside and look at the nose gear NOTHING shows up, not even a white disc. As mentioned i took off from EGPH early this morning when it was dark and set all my interior lights by adjusting each individual switch, as daylight hit the AC around 45mins later (Sunrise) ALL Interior lights went to ULTRA RETINA BLINDING FULL BRIGHTNESS, and i ended up turn every switch down to more or less 1 click above switching them off. This includes the EFB. As FULL Daylight came into the AC i gradually had to switch the lights back up again around Mid position. I do know from my 2020 Fenix experience that you do have to alter the cockpit lights to adjust for the outside light, but surely not from one Extreme to the other end of the scale? Thank you again for looking at this
  4. Same Here, Despite correct EFB calibration (My Levers go to the chosen Position, Idle, Clb Toga Etc), but the section from Idle to Clb gate is way over sensitive Like a 2mm movement on Physical makes the in aircraft throttles shoot up to approx 50%. Before anyone directs me to the Hardware settings within the 2024 controls settings, YES BEEN THERE and tried just about EVERY concoction of settings from Linear to some way bent curves, dead zones, no dead zones. So Same settings on Fenix and FBW with same Hardware and everything works Spot on, just the A330-300
  5. Yes this happens for me too!
  6. A330-300 Freighter (RR) Default Livery no Mods. Flying into EDDB (Berlin) MCDU has NO SID'S at all, just Via's. Other Airports i have noticed this is EGPH (Edinburgh) & EGNX (East Midlands). There ARE SID's for these Airports as i can see them in the Fenix, FBW (All their Aircraft)
  7. I can concur with the Above. For me in the Default A330-300 P2F (RR) with default Airbus Livery (No Mods) Taxi Light shows on the Nose Gear, but throws no light out (IE It is like a white disc on the front nose gear. Runway Lights don't come on at all. Interior Dome Light Not working at all. Interior Cockpit lights (ALL Screens and Console ) are literally 'Retina Burning' in night flight. Have to turn Every interior light control to '1 click up from the Off' position.
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