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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Correction: forgot half of the Problem. It is not only that there is no Indication for the Dashed State, there isn't even a Variable to show the current Speed Value (i.e. the Knob is turned, Value is shown, but Aircraft is still in Profile/Nav). So maybe for a future Update, please add additional Variables to build more accurate Integrations (that would also help miniFCU / simpleFCU / custom-built-Hardware Users)
  2. I trying to improve my PilotsDeck/StreamDeck Profiles (which are also shared to the public) with a more accurate MCU. But, could not figure out yet how to replicate the Dashed State (---) correctly. I'm trying with 'FMGS_vertical_mode' and 'INI_MCU_PROFILE_LIGHT' (for the SPD Value) but that does not work out in all Situations. Would be nice if a Dev could share some pseudo-code and Variables Values how to correctly test for the Dashed-State (and in the long-term it would be a nice Idea to just export that to a L-Var - e.g. like on the FBW or Fenix)
  3. Daniel

    Sound Mixing

    I like the Quality of the Sounds, but the overall Mixing of them isn't just very pleasant. Either it is load-af or whisper-quiet
  4. Yeah, the notice that this is known and will be fixed certainly helps, thanks 🙂 I don't have a Problem with the Smoking Switch, that works (for itself) still as expected. I just wanted to add that moving that Smoking Switch (via its L-Var) also changes the L-Var INI_EMER_EXIT_LIGHTS_ON . 😉
  5. There are several Issues - maybe with the Plane, but maybe me just not knowing how the right Behavior should be: I start in Cold & Dark and apply Power to the Airplane (BATs + EXT), and don't see the "Disarm" Indication lit up for the Emergency Exits (with the Switch being in the Off Position). Is that really what it should be? 🤔 (That wasn't the case before 1.0.3) Regardless of that: how is one supposed to read if that Indication Light is on or not? Can't find a L-Var for that 😕 (Before 1.0.3 I could read it via INI_EMER_EXIT_LIGHTS_ON which now turns 1 when the Switch is in the On-Position. It makes totally Sense that a Variable called ...ON reflects the ON State ^^ It is just that there is now no Way to get that Disarm Indication) And speaking of that L-Var: Is it supposed be 1 when the No Smoking Switch is in the Auto Position?! (Freight Variant)
  6. Sorry, only English!
  7. I don't use MF, but when I remember there was some kind of Way to run Code in the Background which then could output to something like a "MobiFlight Variable" - which could then used in the Display Logic. But yeah, a native Variable would definitively reduce the Work! Let alone since sometimes the Display will not immediately go to Dashed (although the vertical_mode changed). I mean ... besides that I still don't know if I really caught all Cases 😅
  8. Yes, of course - that it what I do everytime I need a new List. That is why I wished FSUIPC could also output that directly to File. I assume you want to try to be helpful, which is great. But please do read properly what was written before attempting 😉
  9. And now show me the resulting File please which was written by FSUIPC?
  10. Check out the FMGS_vertical_mode L-Var - with that an others you can rebuild the Logic when to show Dashes instead of a Value! You can use my Lua-Scripts from my StreamDeck/PilotsDeck Profile as Reference if you like: https://flightsim.to/file/67263/pilotsdeck-streamdeck-profile-for-inibuilds-a300
  11. Well, I had one Occasion where GSX crashed in the middle of the Push-Back. But it self recovered (worked without Issue on Departure), the Plane was also fine after that. Apart from that I had also zero Issues.
  12. Can the GPU Sound tuned down (even when that would be not realistic)? Its Loudness and Pitch are highly uncomfortable 😕 (I'm also experiencing other Issues mentioned here already. The Sounds in the included Pack are really really good, but mixing-wise there is room for Improvement ^^)
  13. So I've looked into it, but in it's current State the A300 is sadly not ready for an external GSX Integration/Automation! Cargo Main Door not toggleable in a Way for GSX to open the Door by itself AND not any Command available for that Door so that another Program/Tool could open it for GSX Fuel can't be set from Weight & Balance - using the standard SimVars to implement an external progressive Refuel is not possible with that. So there needs to be somekind of Variable that can be written to with the Fuel Amount to set (which could be used to lower/reset the Fuel - see below - and could then be progressively increased). Also: the Default Fuel Quantity is way to high. To get a proper manual Fuel-Synch with GSX you have to load the Plane twice (first to a low Value, then to the planned Value when the Fuel Truck is connected). The Payload Stations seem to work and therefore useable for Pax/Cargo Synchronization, but a simple Variable to set the current Pax Number and/or Payload would be easier. I could manage to get the Ground-Equipment automated (Chocks, GPU). But although the respective L-Vars trigger the Chocks and GPU correctly, the State is not reflected correctly in the EFB afterwards.
  14. What I'm still missing: Display Value and Dashed State ("--") of the Flex Temperature (TRP Panel) The Variable 'INI_FLEX_TEMPERATURE' always stays at 40. Variable for the Dashed State ("---") of VS and SPD Display Variables / RPN Code to set the Light Potentiometer in the Cockpit (Overhead and Pedestal Integral Lights, Reading Lights, MCU Integral Light, ...) Range and Variable-Value to Gauge-Value Mapping on the Pressurization Gauges (Diff, VS, Alt) (e.g. the Variable for Diff is already something like 4000 on the Ground?!) Variable / Command for the "Cage" of the Standby Horizon (e.g. commanding it to the pulled state with "A" and commanding it to pushed/not pulled with "B") What could be improved: Variable / RPN Code that changes and also moves the Volume Knobs in the Cockpit on the Radio Panel for certain Channels like INT or PA
  16. Thanks for that List! Wished FSUIPC could also dump the L-Vars to a File 😅 Still haven't found a way to read the Speed Display when Preset is enabled. 😕 Also, could someone manage to find the the Number from the Flex Temperature Display?
  17. I warn you: that List might get long, only got started 😅 If there are any other Files than INI_Interior_Components.xml that could be used as Reference, I should be able to find the most Stuff myself 😉 Currently I'm still sitting on the first FCU Display: Speed. I could not find the Value in the Display when "Preset" is enabled. The Dashed-State seems to be rather simple, right? If INI_MCU_PROFILE_LIGHT == 1 then "---" else the Value from L:INI_Airspeed_Dial
  18. Hello! Currently trying to setup my StreamDecks and already struggling with the first FCU Display for Speed 😅 Is there any Reference/KB/Document on which A-/L-Vars, Commands, etc are available?
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