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Everything posted by stiletto2

  1. Just got KPSP and love it! Great job! However, I am wondering if you are getting close to the 1st patch since I would really like to see the airport on the GPS etc. as mentioned by FSRobert? Thanks!
  2. Just checked out NZQN with 1.0.3 installed on my PC. The huge spike visible on the Rwy 5 approach is gone and the Rwy 5 surface is smooth for me. The bump is gone. Thank you!
  3. Just installed NZQN v1.0.1 and don't see a lot of the spikes shown in the pictures from other posters, but I need to mention the massive spike that shows up beginning at about 4.5 nm from the airport rising out of the small (tri -split) pond just to the north of Runway 23's threshold. The spike stays visible as one gets further from the airport. Here is a pic: Hope you can fix this one since it is a real immersion killer. Thanks.
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