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  1. @gumbyger Ok thanks for the information about that. And I would have another thing. My throttle quadrants are a little flickery and while the throttle lever is no problem if it jitters a bit, the crank for the propeller has big jitters (maybe tue to the ratio of axis input to crank revolutions) and also is permanently in view so it really affects the immersion. Is there a possibility to maybe add some filter so that not every little axis jitter gets translated into immediate movement of the crank? Or maybe to reduce the resulting movement so it does not flicker around 20 degrees or so? I have also seen in in videos on youtube that other people have some flickering in their controller axis and get these jitters of the crank. Or maybe tune the crank so that the entire axis range is covered with one revolution so a small jitter is less noticable.
  2. Now the chocks are on the EFB but it is very finnicky to get something clicked there especially with head tracking. Could it be tied to the parking brake key? That would be very comfortable. Also the default enable when on cold and dark is a very good idea, I always see me shooting all across the field when the engine starts lol.
  3. So I have made a test flight (version 1.0.1) to check the drag, my plane configuration was 170lb on pilot seat (rest of the payload empty) and all tanks at about 70% (reserve tank at 100%). I took the throttle fully back so it was in idle, when I reached 150km/h I watched for the plane to get slower. At a vertical speed of 0m/s (continually pulling the yoke back) it took me a whole minute to get the airspeed from 150km/h to 120km/h. Considering the idle spinning propeller adds a certain amount of drag on its own, even without flaps or gear, it should decelerate much faster, I don't know where the energy comes from. Even on final approach with landing configuration (gear down, flaps 30°), throttle at idle when I dipped the plane a bit down down, I was instantly at 150km/h again and when pulling the nose back up, it took a great amount of time to lose that speed again even with gear and flaps down. Adding flaps and gear has only a negligible effect on drag.
  4. I set the gauge set to imperial yesterday. Today I started the plane and the metric gauges were visible. I went to the EFB and it showed "imperial" but the instruments were metric. So I switched and now while the EFB said metric, the imperial gauges appeared. I have attached screenshots.
  5. What about the too little drag with fully extended flaps? With landing gear down and flaps fully down, the plane behaves like an efficient sail plane and it is very difficult to lose altitude without exeeding the flap speed limit, a light gust or thermal can catapult you into the air in this configuration. Maybe the gear drag could be increased to reflect some resistance?
  6. Hello. Consider me the specter of compassism. I have seen a video of your Taifun by the YT-channel "Vintage Simulations" and there I saw the magnetic compass in your plane. The thing is: it is done wrong. As a magnetic compass basically (for the intents and purposes of this problem) stays stationary in space, it is the plane that turns around it. And as you are looking on the outside wall of a sphere or cylinder (that is the compass), the numbers painted on it must get smaller to the right and larger to the left. So instead of for example: . 3 . . 6 . . E . . 12 . . 15 . it must be: . 15 . . 12 . . E . . 6 . . 3 . Yes it is counter-intuitive but this is the way it works. As if you would go around a barrel with painted headings on its outside side-wall counter-clockwise (like you do in a left turn) , you would see the numbers right of your current heading and these must get smaller. Same goes for the right turn, you go around the "barrel" clockwise, so the numbers must get larger to the left because you see the 90 after you have seen the 60 for example. So that you can fully immerse yourself in this counter-intuitive situation, I have brought with me a little picture (made for another platform but applies here as well) on which I have explained the principles involved. And note the picture of a real magnetic airplane compass I have included.
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