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Everything posted by Captainnex

  1. Version 1.1.0


    The Airbus A300 is a "wide body" aircraft designed for short and medium distances. VARIG operated two A300 aircraft from June 1981 to June 1990 on domestic lines and in Latin America. In addition to VARIG, Cruzeiro also operated two A300 units. This aircraft was known as the "silent giant" as its acoustic technology was developed to minimize sound effects as well as air pollution. This in terms of Brazil was very significant, since most of our airports are located within urban perimeters. With the acquisition of the A300, VARIG could boast of operating the three most modern and sophisticated wide bodies at the time: Airbus A300, Douglas DC-10 and Boeing 747. The first two units were received by Cruzeiro on June 26, 1980. The first flight took place on July 1, 1980 between São Paulo and Buenos Aires. From the 15th of the same month, the A300 also started to operate on the São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - Salvador - Recife - Fortaleza - Belém route. Later, the A300s also started to connect São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to Brasília, Manaus, Caracas and Miami. A curious fact is that when the A300s with Cruzeiro colors started operating in Miami, VARIG was informed that the route belonged to VARIG and not Cruzeiro and that it would be better for the A300 that landed in Miami to be in VARIG colors. The A300s soon established a new standard of comfort for domestic flights, with two classes (first and economy), eight bathrooms, six galleys, 12 flight attendants and four channels of music for all passengers. The first unit in VARIG colors arrived on July 3, 1981 (PP-VND), the second (PP-VNE) arrived on June 23, 1982. The first route was between São Paulo and Santiago. With the arrival of more units of the Douglas DC-10 and Boeing 767, the A300s began to operate only domestic flights and to South America, mainly to Buenos Aires. After the inauguration of Guarulhos International Airport, the A300's advantage of taking off from Congonhas Airport is no longer so relevant. Therefore, VARIG decided to standardize its fleet with Boeing aircraft and began looking for buyers for its A300s. PP-VNE was sold in December 1989 to Japan Air System and PP-VND was sold in June 1990 to Air Jamaica.
  2. The sounds of the A320neo are terrible in flight, on the ground they are good. If you can make it similar to the free modified version (FBW), it will be perfect
  3. Guys who have the sound low, I found that by disabling the spatial sound of the windows the volume increases a lot and in my case it was solved that way. Some windows spatial sound equalization ends up muffling the aircraft sounds
  4. As you can see, they are very evident and loud in the cockpit on takeoff and on climb, but not to the point of being annoying, the hum is mainly evident and does not lose volume on climb, remaining until cruise when power is reduced, the sound of the engines they are very evident inside the cabin until the cruise where the hum of the engine rotor is kept lower, when stable the sound of the wind and of the cockpit instruments and fans prevails, but always audible in the background, when there is some change in power or engine (buzz caused by the blades) are more evident than the cockpit sounds.
  5. Sounds in descent and landing
  6. Look how it sounds in take off and climbing, very evident as expected from the GE CF6 Look at the external sound, with a lot of deafening buzzing and the sounds of gases coming out behind what I said
  7. I think they should make all engine and wind sounds as clear as possible, keep an average volume level of the aircraft as (default) and set it up for everyone to control to their liking. When cruising and going uphill, I practically don't hear the sounds of the engines in the cockpit with the headphones, msfs2020 and windows at maximum volume. I think the problem would be solved if they went back with those sound control bars, keep the default half and leave it free for everyone to adjust. Before the problem was the sound with very high volume even when lowering the volume and without equalization, now the sound is great, but with very low volume Another sound that is missing is the sound from the back of the engine, when you have the external camera and go from the front to the back there is practically no sound of the engine expelling gases. I don't know if it's because of the volume or because it doesn't have I hope they found a solution and everyone's consensus, maybe see how the other developers make sounds like PMDG, Fenix and FBW and maintain a similar level of volume 😄
  8. Yes, I'm using the latest version 1.1.8 in beta. As I said, even with everything at maximum volume in the simulator and headphones, the engines remain low at idle and in the cockpit, especially in flight, you can only hear the wind in cruise. Before I had to lower the volume when I was going to simulate with it because it was too loud and now we have to leave everything at maximum and it still remains low, I think increasing 30% of evidence of maximum engines would be ideal inside and outside. The wind in flight is perfect, you don't need to change anything in the volume and it doesn't bother you like before in the cockpit, I think that just making the volume of the engines more evident, about 30% in the cockpit and about 20% outside, would be great. One thing I noticed is that the aircraft has no sound of exhaust gases from the engines, when we turn the camera it doesn't even seem that the engines are working expelling gases and forming that classic sound of turbulent winds
  9. Guys, the sound that used to be very loud is now very low even with headphones at maximum, the simulator sounds at maximum and the operating system too. The general sounds of the plane are pretty good, if you could just turn the volume to maximum like before and let everyone adjust the volume on the EFB it would solve this problem. The sound of the plane was never a problem due to its low quality, on the contrary it is the most faithful sound of the GE CF6 that the simulators have, the problem has always been a matter of high volume and equalization. I know that there is no way to attend to everyone, so I suggest that they come back with the volume adjustment bars that they had in the first version in the efb so that each one adjusts the volume of engines, inside, outside and wind volume 🙂
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