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Everything posted by avduarri

  1. At this time, 3 flights and no problems so far
  2. At least, did you understand the point of my post? Again, the customer does not have to find solutions to a broken product. Looks like it's hard for you to understand, even being a team leader... but you again and again post that it's the customer's fault. The problem with the FS community is that everyone has become used to being a paying beta tester. Not me.
  3. You are so wrong with your attitude. I'm happy the plane works for you but this does not entitle you to ask a paying customer to do "homework" to make a product work properly. This is Inibuilds job. I'm a customer, I have my job, my family and my free time (which I have not to waste working for Inibuilds). The problem does not happen "only to some", it's not just the people posting in the forums, just a few post the issues in forums, and the vast majority just look in the forums for a solution but do not post (I'm sure you know that). You say "tests have to be made to make sure things work the right way", Yes, that's called BETA Testing, and a complex product like a fidelity aircraft needs extensive BETA testing. It's obvious the A300 has not gone through a long BETA testing. The issues reported since day one are deal breakers (FMC freezes, CTD, the plane falling out of the skies,...) we are talking about people who have paid and can't use the plane. I have all the addons any simmer has in 2024, and all of them work like a charm, so the problem is the A300, not the addons I'm using. Regards
  4. Today the first time I experienced this issue, I'm unable to finish a flight with this aircraft, has been a nightmare since day 1. Yesterday a CTD when correcting the Final Fuel Reserve value on the FMC (it reverted to default with no reason during flight) and today the aircraft falling out of the sky during climb out. I will avoid flying this aircraft again, not have much time to spend in the simulator to be crashing all the time. Until this is solved I will go back to 737 or Fenix. I can't understand how all the issues reported since the release passed through beta. Inibuilds has to work better the beta testing for future birds, it's frustrating to pay for an airplane and not be able to fly it (when all other payware airplanes fly with no issues). I paid as a customer, not wanting to be testing an airplane during my free time. PD: Sorry for the rant, but it's crazy how unstable is the airplane after 3 patches
  5. Hello, During the FMC setup I changed the Fuel Reserve from 2.2 to 2.1. Once in flight, I checked the Fuel Pred page and I saw that the Fuel Reserve reverted to 2.2. I tried to set 2.1 again but when clicking the FMC Side Key the Sim Crashed as soon as I clicked. Only addons used/activated: A300, Pyrenees EGNX and Aerosoft EDDK. I was halfway from EGNX to EDDK...
  6. Exactly the same problem I've encountered. Inserting the ZFWCG in the INIT B page causes the FMC and the entire airplane to freeze.
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