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Everything posted by modemair

  1. In general, make sure that the value for "reverse_idle_1 " is about 0.05 lower than the value for "idle_1", for example: idle_1 = -0.50 reverse_idle_1 = -0.55 This way, the throttles will have a small but sufficient dead zone to switch from reverse to forward thrust. This solution also works fine with inibuilds' A310. Happy flying!
  2. Hi, When using rudder pedals with integrated toe brakes, you might want to try to tick "reverse axis" in the setting menu within MSFS2020 (controller settings). Some pedal sets seem to work just the other way around. This way the wheel brakes can be activated even without pressing the toe brakes. Happy flying!
  3. Unfortunately, I can't find anything about that on their website: https://www.justflight.com/in-development
  4. With the arrival of the supurb A310-300 for MSFS2020, iniBuilds has shown to be world class in developping classic airliners. One of the classics still missing though in MSFS2020 is the iconic B747-200. As far as I know, there is no company planning to develop this aircraft at the moment. We have the default B747-8, PMDG is far from even indicating any release dates for their B747-400, but they did develop the DC-6 for MSFS2020 to gain experience with the latest version of MFS. Aerosoft seems to focus on their line of Airbus aircraft (the A330 in particular). So the question is: has iniBuilds plans for the B747-200 and if so, will it be an aircraft with the same standards as their A310? Happy flying (with the A310)!
  5. After several sim updates, the exact location of your Community folder may have changed. To find out its present location, activate Developers Mode within the MSFS settings. A small toolbar will appear on top of your screen. Select the "Tools" tab, then select Virtual File Sytem. Here you will be able to see the location of both your Official folder as well as your Community folder as used by MSFS (see screenshots). About the A310 other issues: as a general trick, always start aircraft with this level of complexity in "Cold and Dark" state. Before selecting the aircraft in the MSFS menu, make sure your gear lever is in "down" position, thrust levers in ïdle" position, speed brake and flaps levers in "retracted" positions. Furthermore, throttle calibration is partially done outside MSFS, partially upon MSFS startup (recommended to create a dedicated profile for the A310 in the Control Options menu, and finally in the A310's EFB when the A310 is selected. On youtube, I have found many very useful video's explaining how to calibrate the A310's throttle.
  6. By the way, 1016 hPa equals 30.0 inHG.
  7. Hi, It seems you used an incorrect value for the altimeter setting, reading 1016 inHG, but that's out of range. A value like that is within range when using hPa as unit. Maybe that caused the problem. Happy flying!
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