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  1. I do indeed know my engines were running, so that could be the issue since I was at a addon airport, is it possible to counteract this in any other way then uninstalling the airport or going to a different airport? Thanks, in advance
  2. Hello, I am on the Xbox Series X, I have done a full flight before but recently when I have tried to do a flight and I start taxiing or am sitting on the runway for the engine runway, my avionics go black(including efb ) even though when I do things like trying to turn off the batteries, starting up the apu again or trying to turn things like the EFB brightness or power back on they still stay black. Anything to help is appreciated
  3. Hello there, I have recently been encountering the same problem with the a310 in which whenever I come out of pause it tells me “Stop rudder input” even though I haven’t touched the rudder control since I was on the ground and then my plane violently shifts to the left. It also gives me the warning L/G not down even though there’s nothing I can see that would activate that warning message since this only happens when I’m in cruise with all flaps and slats set to 0 and my landing gear in the off position
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