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Everything posted by Tarom310

  1. Engines off and after "Ready for Takeoff" state fuel is 36% againšŸ˜¢
  2. Yes it was V.1.0.2. After loading the "ready for take off" panel state the fuel returns to 36%
  3. I have the same problem and the workaround from "pmplayer" "Weight and fuel values when starting on the runway" didnĀ“t work for me.
  4. I tried pmplayers workaround several times with different sequences. But after starting the engines the fuel alwys returns to 36%.
  5. Same problem here!
  6. The toolbar didnĀ“t work. I tried it yesterday for hours but with no success. ItĀ“s a little bit like the Fenix A320. When it was new you couldnĀ“t load the flightplan in the "ready for takoff" mode. But they fixed it and now itĀ“s no problem. I think iniBuilds made it intentionally impossible to load the aircraft on the runway. But they forgot that many simpilots start on the runway because they donĀ“t like pushing all the buttons and taxi all around the big airports. ItĀ“s a flight simulator.
  7. Same problem here. After 3h near the TOD (OIIE-VABB) the instruments did strange things, the buttons didnĀ“t work. I tried to fly with the information from shiftZstats but in Littlenavmap the aircraft didnĀ“t move. It was my first flight after the update and it worked fine before.
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