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Everything posted by KG1000

  1. Here a lovely VFR short approach to RW08 which may help the debate!! Keith
  2. Hi, Jersey is my home Island and was delighted to see an updated version was available which I purchased without delay!! The scenery has downloaded without any issues. However, for whatever reason, looking at some reviews on YouTube, I have realised I do not have the GA aircraft around the Gamma Aviation hangar not the Biz Jet in the hangar. Furthermore, I have some light aircraft outside the Jersey Aeroclub (close to RW26), but there are a small number compared to the above review sceneries. I do not think I am missing anything else. To address I have done a number of things including reinstall (I have the latest version V1.0.2), deleted scenery indexes, DX/GL Caches, checked Content Manager and Community Folder for conflicting sceneries (I did previously own UKScenery 2000 Jersey). I moved to MSFS2020 a year ago. To date I have not had an issue where something small is missing. More like scenery conflicts which are instantly apparent. Any suggestions welcomed, please? Regarding the scenery itself, it is a good upgrade and I agree with previous comments of how well it looks. If I were to be picky to make it even better I would add the following: A better shopping area. The Duty Free area looks nothing like the scenery. There is the Cafe but then the area opens up to the Duty Free area to the left for drink and tobacco. To the right the traditional looking perfume/beauty area. There are not the number of shops portrayed. To the left of the of the exit door ahead is a staircase to the viewing area which is excellently modelled! If you exit the door aforementioned this leads to the corridor for the departure gates which runs left and right. Exiting the arrival hall where the baggage reclaim area is (again very accurately modelled!), the exit from arrivals is into a bland empty area. Lastly, there are three scenery items which would really make this special. On the approach to RW08 to the right is Corbiere Lighthouse. ( Horse racing fans will remember a horse of this name winning the Grand National some years ago. Not a good day for the local bookies!!!).Very distinctive in white. MSFS2020 simply has this a a grass mound. To the left of Gamma Aviation is a beautiful Jersey Airlines DE Havilland Heron. (Not in flying condition currently but on going discussions). Lastly, at the round about there is a large piece of Jersey Granite with the "Welcome to Jersey Airport written therein. These three items can be seam with a google search for Jersey Airport. Kind regards, Keith Giannoni
  3. Fabulous, mystery solved. Would never have worked that one out. Very many thanks!! Best, Keith
  4. CarlosFly you have been super helpful many thanks. Unfortunately I know this method on the Des screen. See my picture of the cruise winds here. This is where I want to input the winds etc. It is found pressing FP then next page.
  5. Hi thanks, but I mean the cruise winds. So go to Flight plan on FMS, press next page then you have all the waypoints and to the right is where to input the waypoint winds and temperatures. That is what I cannot input. Can you? Keith
  6. No, this format does not work when I input, sadly. I see ___ ___D/___ Cannot get it to work. Keith
  7. What is the correct format to input the cruise winds and temperature in the FMS? I have tried various permutations without success. (Cannot find a topic on this matter). Regards, Keith
    Excellent as always from JT!!!
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