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Everything posted by pacha35

  1. Hi, IknFly, look at this page for the solution (the page is in french but you can translate the texts with Google translation) : https://forum.simvol.org/viewtopic.php?p=71706#p71706 You must copy the fly plan in the A320 work directory, not in the Official A320 directory. Look at the path.
  2. Yes ! That is the solution, no need to go to ACARS page. Thank you very much.
  3. Yes, I use the external downloader.
  4. I have tried this solution but, at home, it does not work. I have always a loop on "Simbrief" line (insteaf of "Pending" line).
  5. With pictures
  6. I confirm, now we loop on the "SIMBRIEF" line and no ATIS on the ACARS page : amazing correction!
  7. I have the official normal MSFS (40th, 2022 11 11) and the two bugs are inside (Pending and ATIS)
  8. I have tried to run FS in normal mode (not admin) : it's the same thing. But there is another problem with the ACARS page : if we want to obtain ATIS message, the FMS doesnot work after : it's blocked. I think this is a similar problem that "pending".
  9. When Official is on another disk than FS2020, the localstate folder doesn't seem to be completely used, several directories are still empty. How do the other planes (FBW and Fenix for example) with which everything goes well?
  10. and it works ?
  11. At home, FS2020 has its Official and Community folders on a drive other than C:( which contains the technical files of the simulator including ...localstate...) Couldn't the "pending" problem come from there? NB: AIRAC is up to date on all my products.
  12. Hi, several pilots in our group have try to charge Simbrief FPL, only the man who has the full Navigraph version (with Jeppesen maps) can use this function. People who have the basic version (only Navdata) can't use this option. Can you fix this ? The other aircarfts have not this limitation. Thanks.
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