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  1. ahah i love it 🥰 thanks
  2. yes you did sure the right thing ... but ... where it is that button ? is in the 3d model of the throttle ? really didn't find it 🤔
  3. hey, thanks i've seen this video and all the others, i mean how TOGA work on REAL plane. I don't think real pilots open mike for taking off 😉
  4. oh, I understand, what a pity, in 20 years of flight simulation never happen to bought a software just only for one single key assign, and i don't think i'll do now for a beautiful free airplane. 🙂 Wondering if it was possible by inibuilds to associate the action a310 TOGA to the default MSFS keybinding "autothrottle TOGA" since this command is useless on this plane. I'm actually also wondering if the A310 has a TOGA button somewhere like boeing or is pushing the throttle can automatically activate toga or something like that? I can't find documentation or photo/video to know more about this feature. I would be grateful if someone who knows can explain this.
  5. thx but i don't use spad.next
  7. Hello, is there any way to assign to a joystick button same action like pressed button "ATC MIC" used for TOGA ? default autothrottle TOGA of msfs have a different behavior. Thanks
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