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Everything posted by Johan217

  1. I don't use vPilot, but in any case the ATC menu and radio are working as expected with the JF BAe 146 (the radios appear to be similar in these aircraft, I don't think any of the default aircraft use a comparable system). Unfortunately I am a total nitwit when it comes to making videos, I hope the screenshots illustrate what I mean. Step III is where the A310 does not what I would expect.
  2. According to the (real world) manual, the TFR switch is used to select the active frequency (see attached image). In other aircraft, e.g. the JF BAe146 it works like that, too.
  3. Hello, I am experiencing unexpected behaviour with the COM radios. When I flip the TFR switch to the right and choose a new frequency via the ATC menu, the left hand frequency is being set instead. As a result the ATC menu behaves as if I am tuned to a different frequency. See attached screenshot. Is this not working correctly?
  4. Indeed the "pending" is gone, but it's actually worse for me now. Previously I was able to get the flightplan downloaded by iniManager into the MCDU by entering from/to on the init page. But now that does not seem to work anymore either.
  5. In case this could be a factor: I confirm I have the same installation.
  6. I have a full Navigraph subscription but also have the problem
  7. So another dead end then 😞
  8. Mine does not generate an xml either. I created one by downloading https://www.simbrief.com/api/xml.fetcher.php?username=XXXXX The header has this: <fetch> <userid>XXXX</userid> <static_id></static_id> <status>Success</status> <time>0.026</time> </fetch> <params> <request_id>62579521</request_id> <user_id>XXXX</user_id> <time_generated>1669542507</time_generated> <static_id/> <ofp_layout>LIDO</ofp_layout> <airac>2211</airac> <units>kgs</units> </params> userid is my numeric simbrief id. Is this what it should be like so that the A310 can read it? Or should it be username? Or alias?
  9. The url works OK for me as well as Simbrief import in other aircraft. But with the A310 I always get "pending" even with empty community folder and no other FS apps running. Specs: Win 10, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, AMD RX5700, MSFS MS Store (not using beta), Navigraph Unlimited subscription, AIRAC 2211 rev2
  10. Working OK in other aircraft, but not in the A310 for me. Neither the joystick or keyboard commands for "Right Brake" work (I tried several assignments). Commands for left brakes, parking brakes and simultaneous braking are working. And as far as I am aware all hydraulics seem fine. Anyone else seeing this?
  11. Don't know about the Fenix or PMDG as I don't have those. But it works in all default aircraft, FBW A320, JF BAe146, BlackSquare B350 and C208.
  12. Setting an aircraft state as default on the EFB does not work for me. Every flight always starts cold & dark. I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, is anyone else having this problem?
  13. In other aircraft, the transponder code is set automatically when ATC assigns the code in the ATC menu. But not in the A310. Is this intentional or is something broken?
  14. Same problem here. I also tried username instead of alias, but the menu stays on "pending". I can import Simbrief data in iniManager and other aircraft (e.g. JustFlight 146) using the same login, so that can't be the cause.
  15. Still, these are workarounds. Would be better if the ACARS menu worked for everyone. I have no idea what could be wrong, with other aircraft I have no issues importing Simbrief data.
  16. @Benoit92 That method doesn't work for me (and others, apparently). Menu stays on "Pending". Only way to get the flightplan in for me is, as the OP suggests, to download the file via the Simbrief downloader or iniManager, then enter FROM/TO on the INIT page. This gives me the flightplan, but not the other data (fuel and payload).
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