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Everything posted by Haseen

  1. Do you use Navigraph nav data for your MSFS 2020? Haseen Ahmad.
  2. Dear: I tried a takeoff, approach and landing at same airport VGSY. I chose rw 29 for takeoff. Selected approach ILS RW 11, freq. 111.50, crs 115 deg., transition D230L. After takeoff, I used HDG SEL. Then DIR TO D230L in FMS. Pressed NAV. But A310 AP unable to follow navigation to D230L. It goes away from the track. So, I reverted to HDG SEL. Followed the track by HDG SEL. At intercept heading, I selected LOC. LOC* appeared. Then pressed LAND and selected 2nd AP. GS blue appeared. But A310 can't capture and track GS. I had to select VS and completed the landing in a very clumsy way. For reference, I flew the same flight with PMDG 737-800. It flies very well. I don't subscribe to Navigraph presently. I don't know whether that poses any issue to navigation of MSFS 2020 default airplanes and Inibuilds A310. Please help. Regards, Haseen Ahmad.
  3. I removed 3 Navigraph files from msfs 2020 Community folder. Now navigation seems ok. Thanks. Haseen Ahmad.
  4. After latest update, I tried to do a flight from VGJR to VGHS. But I can't insert waypoint JSR in the F-PLN. Also, VGHS does not any approach procedures. I did this flight successfully many times before this update in A310. Please help. Haseen Ahmad.
  5. Dear JoshF: I tried to reproduce as you said. Please find attachments. Hope these help. Regards, Haseen Ahmad.
  6. I was making a short flight from VAPO to VABB. I set a speed/alt constraint at BBB/117/14 PBD, 210/5000 for approach to VABB ILS 27. But during climb from VAPO, plane is maintaining 210 knots where as I am expecting to accelerate to 250 kts! The mentioned constraint is for approach to VABB. Not for dep. from VAPO. For ref., I did the same flight with Fenixsim A320 and PMDG 737-800. They accelerate to 250 kts below 10k and to 290 kts above 10k. They only slow down to 210 kts when approaching the PBD: BBB/117/14 PBD, 210/5000. Is it a bug in IniBuilds A310? Please help. Regards, Haseen Ahmad Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  7. After Vert Revision from F-PLN page, RETURN key does not work. Does not show flight plan. I have to press F-PLN key. Haseen Ahmad.
  8. Dear: I made a flight from VGJR to VGHS. For arrival at VGHS, I selected STAR NONE, Approach ILS 14, Transition MIMAR. But *INSERT is not visible adjacent to 6L LSK. But again 6L LSK works! Why *INSERT not visible? Please help. Haseen Ahmad.
  9. Haseen

    Simulation Rate.

    I don't have FSLTL.
  10. Haseen

    Simulation Rate.

    What is FSLTL?
  11. Haseen

    Simulation Rate.

    I tried in Aerosoft Twin Otter. R is selected for sim rate. Inc./Dec. sim rate were blank. Even with that I could change sim rate 2×, 4x. But if I bind 'ctrl num+' for increase and 'ctrl num-' for decrease, sim rate increase to 4x, 16x with each input for Twin Otter! I haven't tried that with A310. What should I do? For reference only I can mention, in Fenix A320 there is an option in the FMS CDU maint. page to select Sim Rate 2x.
  12. What does the A310 Enhancement Package in the msfs 2020 Marketplace provide?
  13. Haseen

    Simulation Rate.

    I can change sim rate in other aircraft using key combi R, then 'Ctrl+ or -'. But not in Inibuilds A310. Any help?
  14. Haseen

    Simulation Rate.

    How can I increase/decrease sim rate?
  15. For example, what happens when I put Comp. EFIS cont. Pnl sel switch to either of VOR/NAV/ILS Position?
  16. Can I select approach and transition if I select NONE?
  17. But I didn't find system description in there.
  18. I made a short flight from VGJR to VGHS. In the STAR page, I selected ILS 14, and transition MIMAR. But after selection, I can not find the *INSERT prompt. Any help? Haseen.
  19. Where can I get a system description manuals? Haseen.
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