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Posts posted by Juergen2

  1. Ok, tried it again - same result. I even checked that I have the inibuild A310-300 and the inibuild A310-300 Enhanced installed. YES.

    This is how far I get with the cockpit camera and the scroll wheel on my mouse. The keyboard arrows will not work since they are set to up, down, left and right. Right click and hold on my mouse will move the camera left right and up down.

    So I don't know what controls to use to get into the cabin.

    Thanks for help


  2. I'll try it again on next flight.

    My keyboard arrows are set to move the camera up, down, left and right. So that should work.

    Will report back


  3. We are talking about the cockpit camera?

    Also, which controls do you use to get through the cockpit door? Keyboard arrows or POV switch on flight stick?




  4. How do I enter the passenger cabin?

    I tried with the Cockpit Camera and flight deck door ULOCKED and OPEN, however I can NOT get into the cabin.

    Thanks for help


  5. I have seen some videos of P-DES which than displays a V-DEV scale on the NAV display. I have tried several  P-DES descend flights but can never see a V-DEV scale appearing?

    Note: I get the ILS/LOC scales on an ILS approach - no problem.

    Thanks for Info

    Juergen Mader

  6. Hi, I can not get the MCDU method to download the current flight plan from SimBrief. It just remains on "Request SIMBRIEF" with no change to pending.

    So I am trying the iniManager "Pilot Support" option, however I can't get any SB flight plan to be displayed so that I can export it to the A/C.

    I have the correct alias Name in the SimBrief Integration section of the iniManager (cross checked with the SImBrief Account Settings).

    The only thing visible in the Pilot Support Menu is: METAR/ATIS Request and a search bar for the airport ICAO name.

    Thanks for help

    Brgds Juergen Mader

  7. Hi,

    I am trying to practice RNAV approaches with the A310, but can't seem to program the approach in the MCDU.

    E.g. I want to fly from LFBO to LFBO and try to select the RNAV approach for runway 32R and no STAR or VIA. I can select the approach, but there is NO INSERT available, so the approach does NOT show up in the FPLAN.

    I have been programming a STAR and than just fly the pattern in HDG Mode, ignoring the STAR waypoints.

    I am sure that's not the correct way???


    Juergen Mader

  8. Allen,

    The values from Maximilian Schmidt above worked for me. I took his data and updated my throttleconfiguration.ini:

    reverse_on_axis = true

    reverse_full = -1.000000
    reverse_idle = -0.540173
    idle = -0.490173
    toga = 1.000000

    reverse_full = -1.000000
    reverse_idle = -0.540173
    idle = -0.487000
    toga = 1.000000



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