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Thanks for testing that approach at my home airport! So I am missing something. I've done the steps you're describing and nothing happens when hitting the PROF button. When I did my tests I loaded in cold & dark on the ramp and loaded the ready state to quickly take off and test the approaches. So I never set the cost index or cruise flight level (higher than the platform altitude) on the init page. That part was indeed the solution. Without it hitting PROF does nothing on the approach... Sorry if I offended you.
Wow 5 approaches! Then all of them must be working! Thanks for the help!
EDDH RNP 33 for example…
Nothing. No change in the FMA.
Well it's nice that it works for you. I tried all RNP approaches into EDDH and could not get P.DES armed on any of the four possible approaches. At the plattform altitude (3000ft) and in NAV mode after setting the MDA I'm getting the FINAL 3.00 line in the MCDU and pressing it I'm also getting the VDEV indication, but I'm never able to arm P.DES in the FMA. Pressing PROFILE just does nothing.
I also could not fly RNAV approaches in the newest update (1.1.0). Tested with EDDH 33 and EDDV 09L. Had to use V/S to descent manually...
It also works in all default planes (tested on the C172, C25C, C700, C152), the MD82, C310, C414, B350 etc pp.
Thanks for letting me know! Have a good one!
Thanks for the update! I was excited to try it on vatsim since I read: - vPilot COM 2 bug fixed - Volume knob pull to mute working in A310 But I'm still not able to mute the non-transmitting radio. The volume knobs are turned all the way down and I can still hear com2, does not matter if I push or pull the volume knobs on both sides. So what would be the "right" combination to mute the non-transmitting radio?
Thanks for the reply. Tried the vPilot commands. That does not work in the A310. The non-transmitting channel cannot be turned off. BTW: I can mute the "unused" radio fine in the Baron or the C172 just by using the standard events or the audio panel in the plane ... Even setting the volume works with the game ATC and with PilotEdge. The volume does not work on Vatsim, but I guess that's a vPilot limitation. Muting definitly works.
To add some information to this issue. I watched the plane sending _very_ many events in Spad. Looks like the volume for com1 and com2 is set every frame to 100. Maybe that's the reason we cannot mute the radios? Here are some lines from the logfile: 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM1_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:0777 26.02.2023 17:13 SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET SIMCONNECT:COM2_VOLUME_SET Parameter 100 (64 ID 0000:01D6
You locked the topic, so I could not answer... Setting the volume and/or the RX function of a radio in a multi-radio plane works fine in other default planes. Look at the CJ4 for example. By turning down the volume button you can mute the radio. And in any other default plane it works with the events COM1_TRANSMIT_SELECT or COM2_TRANSMIT_SELECT It is better than what we had until now in the A310, but still only half of the solution...
The Com2 radio is now working. But there is no way to turn down the non-active radio (the one that is not transmitting). We should be able by turning the volume knob and / or pulling them to disable the rx function on a radio. Is there any other way or just not possible at the moment? Thanks and best regards!
Yeah looks like a sim navdata issue. Happens also in other "default" planes. Thank you so much for checking!
Okay. Did the right turn this time. But: it changed to a heading of about 24° after departure to that first pseudo waypoint on that departure. It should stay at runway heading of 32°. Maybe that's why it did a left turn for me the last time. I started on runway heading and went to NAV later.