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Moderate Chop

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Everything posted by Moderate Chop

  2. Sure. This is the Vertical Speed knob on the FCU: As with all of the other FCU knobs, I believe it should rotate CLOCKWISE on Mouse UP and COUNTERCLOCKWISE on Mouse DOWN. At the moment this animation is reversed. Note that everything functions properly. It just seems there's a sign swapped somewhere in the animation code. My comment above about there being an outer and inner portion on this knob was mistaken. Disregard, sorry about the confusion. Cheers!
  3. A small detail I noticed when setting up my Stream Deck+. The V/S inner knob animation is reversed. The "outer" portion of the knob (closest to the panel) seems to rotate correctly. Thanks! And thanks for this excellent plane.
  4. FSUIPC user here. From what I can see so far, the A310 uses roughly 2500 LVARs. At least this is what I get out of FSUIPC when I ask for an LVAR list. Many are prefaced with 'A310_' as was noted above, while others begin with 'A300_' or 'A300DR_'. There also seem to be specific outputs (read only, I assume) that simply begin with an underscore. The MobiFlight site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) has about 350 presets defined (so far), and these are very useful when assigning buttons and keys directly from the FSUIPC dialog using the presets dropdown. Note, however, that the FSUIPC preset list is only updated when John drops a new build, so if you want the latest and greatest, use the 'Export presets' button at the bottom of the MobiFlight window and drop the resulting 'events.txt' file into your FSUIPC directory. External lights are listed by their preset name, not the LVAR actually used by the airplane, so you'll find them listed as 'A310 Ovhd Extlt <light>'. The FSUIPC dialog would look something like this: There are presets for the landing gear lever as well, 'A310 Landing Gear Lever <Down/Mid/Up>'. The actual LVAR used for this preset is 'A310_GEAR_HANDLE_STATUS' with values 0, 1, and 2 for UP, MID, and DOWN. There is also an 'A310_GEAR_HANDLE_STATUS_ANIMATION' LVAR. Perhaps I need this to sync the handle animation in the virtual cockpit. Haven't gotten that far yet... 🙂 For the (many) other items that require multiple actions, conditionals, or delays, I use Lua scripts. Still working on that for the A310. Hope that's helpful.
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