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  1. I bought this aircraft yesterday, 2 flights both times the cockpit froze. Yep WASM issues, cleared folder out and all the jazz still not luck. Oh well just got to wait for a fix.
  2. sidfadc

    (too) Bad fps

    I have a potato PC granted, i74790k and 1070. Cold and dark at MaccoSim EGCC in the Fenix A320, around 20-22 FPS. PMDG 737-800 25-30FPS (easily). Inibuilds A310 - 12 FPS slideshow. 1080P running low - medium settings
  3. I just uninstalled, reinstalled via iniManager then deleted Content.xml and Scenery Indexes/Cache files - same CTD towards end of loading phase.
  4. Hello I created an account just to post this as well. Same here, loading into LEIB causes CTD. I can fly into LEIB from another destination however? I've not suffered a CTD loading into ANY airport for a very long time. I'm just about to uninstall from iniManager now and try again? Seems a bit suspect though if someone else if reporting the same issue. I have an older PC, i7 4790k 1070 with 16GB Ram. Thanks
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