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  1. I am aware of what a safe touchdown entails don't worry. It's not about being smooth. Here's my landing for reference, with significantly lower frames per second due to performance. I would estimate that touchdown as a maximum -120fpm and I had a proper bounce and big effect from FSRealistic. https://streamable.com/flr0rv
  2. Judging by the above video, I have a feeling it has something to do with a different fps - frames per second. The guy above has a high end system and is running the plane very smoothly but doesnt make a spectacularly smooth touchdown vertical speed of under -50ft/min, yet it still seems smooth. I just landed at LAX with maybe 30frames at a similar descent rate and the aircraft completely bounced, shuddered and lifted a main back into the air despite only a 4kt wind component.
  3. My scan function doesn't work. It selects my xbox games / community folder where of course there is no A310 install to be found. This has been doing my head in all morning. I cannot select the right file path for it to appear in the manager.
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