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  1. Nvm, found it here Prepar3D v5 Scenery Compatibility Files – iniBuilds
  2. Hi, with the recent rebranding I have noticed that the P3Dv5 compatibility files are gone. Is it really gone? If so are you guys planning on bringing it back? I think it was a very useful service and would like to see it again.
    Absolutely stunning livery! Thank you so much for your work on this! But I have a question, is the registration below the wing the correct color? I think it is supposed to be black, but on your liveries they are gray. But nevertheless, this is a very small issue and doesn't affect flying.
  3. I have actually made a new profile myself, so the problem for me has been solved. Thanks
  4. Thanks for you reply @Sam, it seems to be fixed now, however I would like to point out that some jetways are missing on some gates to the north of the airport.
  5. I have installed both the p3dv5 compatibility file and also the gsx profile into the freeware kiev scenery by rikooo and everything is fine other than the default jetways appearing inside the gsx level 2 ones. I have copied the exclude files from the gsx profile into the exclude folder of addon manager and also the jetway textures and the gsx files into the according folders in appdata roaming virtuali. Any help to get rid of the default jetways is appreciated.
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