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Everything posted by MäxliBäxli

  1. Same here after installing Version 3.1, not clear, which version of textures are installed (used to work before the update). Greets, Markus
  2. Hi, stolen from EDDF virtualFRA, but that also works for EGLL Heathrow (just type EGLL instead of Frankfurt 🙂 ): https://flightsim.to/file/29066/eddf-frankfurt-main-international-beta-experimental For owners of the Premium Deluxe Edition: Please open the "content manager" and look in the middle top area of your screen. On the right-hand side of the search bar, there are two small symbols: a package and a list symbol. Please select the list symbol. Then type into the search bar "Frankfurt" and uninstall the "EDDF-Frankfurt Airport from Asobo Studio" Version. Greets, Markus
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