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  1. Thanks for the reply @richboy2307 - I think, changing the .ini fixed it 🙂
  2. Hey guys! The throttle calibration on the A321neo seems to be a bit broken. Selecting "NO" on "Reverse on axis" has no influence on the calibration, as it still opens the reversers, when pulling it back (it completely ignores the different calibration then). On the A330 it's working as intended however. Best, Tobias
  3. Hey 🙂 unfortunately the EFB was unable to calculate a TO Perf for my departure from KFAR today. As you can see on the pictures, the RWY is long enough and we were not really heavy 😄 EDIT: The reason seems to be the HDG of 0.5. Real RWY HDG is 356. Entering 356 into HDG, it calculates completely fine. Looks like a decimal point is the culprit.
  4. Nah, thats only PRE SET, normally to fly Selected you need to pull the knob, which I did.
  5. Nope. Middle-Mouse Button clic enters free camera mode for me. So that doesn't do anything to the knob.
  6. Yeah, slightly dropping below and regaining is kinda expected. But it stayed there, about 5-7kts below, for the entrie approach.
  7. Hey everyone! Just noticed in CRZ, that my Green Dot Speed is above the CI35 Managed Speed for my KBOS-KMEM flight. That's looking a bit odd. FL340 (Opt FL329 - Max FL355) - CI 35 - GW: ~308.000lbs
  8. On final approach, the speed dropped below the selected speed (VAPP in the FMS 131 - Selected VREF 137) and stayed there for the whole approach.
  9. Hey everyone! First, congratulations on the release! 🙂 One observation I made on my LIPO-EDDP flight this evening was, that the VNAV had a very sporty descend calculation. T/D was calculated behind the STAR Fix of GOXLI, with a very steep descend profile on Cost Index 50. ATC told me to descend to FL190@VOCIM, even before the calculated T/D. So I entered this manually, but there was no recalculation of the T/D and the descend profile wasn't adjusted by the FMS. Route for evaluation: LIPO-EDDP: OSKOR7V OSKOR M985 TAGIP DCT BRENO DCT KONIN DCT ERNAS M726 LASGA/N0463F310 T953 VOCIM T954 GOXLI GOXLI1V
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