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Everything posted by AlecHull85

  1. they want to see if it gives console error if it happens again open the console in dev mode under the debug and see what you get. I am currently in flight trying too see if I can get it to show up. I have had it happen in 2 out of 2 flights so lets see what happens with the third.
  2. I Could fly the exact same flight as my last flight and record it leading up to the failure. I will re produce it exactly as I did. if one of you guys could do the exact same flight and see if it happens for you? is there anything in particular you guys need to see on my video that will help? My flight details for the last flight was: EDDF/25C N0452F360 OBOK3G OBOKA Z29 TORNU DCT BREDA DCT GALSO Q63 ERING L179 LAM L610 HEMEL T420 WELIN DCT EGNX/27 CI 95. I had removed all the waypoints after LAM on the ground at EDDF knowing that I would end up getting the HEMEL1E Star however I had actually entered the DTY1E arrival. I had been given an early decent from 36000 to 27000 by the controller just after the waypoint ERING. I then changed controller and realised my mistake as he asked me to be at 22000 by hemel so therefore I changed it the moment I pressed insert it all went dark with warning sounds going off pitch up and then nose dives tumbling to the ground. this happened just before LAM(BOURNE) literally a couple of miles before it.
  3. yeah hopefully its unflyable for on vatsim 2 flights back to back ended in same way. I am sure they'll do the best and get it done asap. they will have to recreate it first to see what is causing it and then find the fix. a lot of people are reporting it so I'm sure they are working on it as fast they can.
  4. 2nd time in happening. difference this time all i was doing was changing my approach. approach into egnx original was the dty3e changing it to the hemel1e
  5. Hi guys Just had the dir to crash. Route: EGNX/27 N0461F310 DTY3N DTY M605 BENSU Q70 BIG UL9 KONAN UL607 SPI/N0445F230 T180 NIVNU T847 IMCOM IMCO1B EDDF/25L CI 78 I had descended to about 6000ft on the approach IMCOM2B Df626 transition before the waypoint DF614 I pressed dir to DF623. Screens went blank everything turned off and she tumbled to ground.
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