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  1. Hello, Recently purchased KCAK and installed fine; shows in Community Folder and airport opens fine in MSFS 2020. However, when I log into iniManager later, it does not show as installed (just owned/available). Same with each following update installed (at 2.0.0. now). I have 77 airports in iniManager and all are fine; it's just an issue with KCAK. Not critical, but wanted to ask for your help to resolve. Thank you! Mike
  2. Thank you for checking into this Zoey! Have you had any luck? If I can help in any way, I am glad to! Best Regards, Mike P.S. iniBuilds just corrected the same issue I found in LDDU.
  3. Thank you!! I appreciate the reply and help!
  4. Hello, Great work on LDDU! While it has been a bit since I was there, it looks excellent! I would like to ask for your help. I just landed there in the PMDG 737-700 and after exiting the runway and transferring to ground, ATC did not give me a "Taxi to Gate" option; just Taxi to Parking (GA), Ground Services, Takeoff Options, etc. I could hear ATC giving other airline traffic (an ATR) taxi to gate instructions (gate assignment & routing). If I can provide any info to help, please let me know! Thank you for your time and help! Mike
  5. Agreed! Just for information, I own their EGNV and EFKS and do not have these issues, so I hope that they can make an update to EGJJ soon! I looked for another means to contact them directly, but could only find them on Facebook (of which, I am not a user/member).
  6. Hello! I think the airport and scenery look nice! However, I too noted immediately upon landing (PMDG 737-700) that there is no "Taxi to Gate" option from ATC; just the "basics" per the screenshot attached. When I created a GSX Profile, I noted the gates are all identified as "[none 1]" "[none 2}", etc.. This may also be the problem for other traffic not working in the prior post?? Other scenery developers who have overcome/corrected this "No Taxi to Gate" problem have told me the problem was in Gate naming, sizing, and/or routing routing; but I defer to your expertise, as I have not done any scenery work in years; long before MSFS 2020. I hope you are able to make an update soon to make this nice airport even better! Regards, Mike
  7. Hello iniBuilds! I recently added EGHI to my nearly complete collection of iniBuilds airports for MSFS. I finally "flew in" tonight and upon landing in my PMDG 737, there was no ATC "Taxi to gate" option; just "Taxi to parking" (which only applies to GA), along with the other take options, etc. Can I ask for your help with this? I saw it mentioned above in November of last year, but see no change with the latest version available. I appreciate your help and time! This is a great realism enhancement! Best Regards, Mike Retired 40+ year aviation & MSFS!
  8. Hello! My purchase was direct from iniBuilds. The only time I purchase anything from the in-sim Marketplace is when that is the only option (just a few).
  9. Hello! ! purchased the new airport today and it looks great! Thank you for the new contribution! However, upon landing (PMDG 737), there was no "Taxi to Gate" option, just "Taxi to Parking (GA), Takeoff Options. Ground Services, etc.). All commercial airliners were getting instructions to taxi to General Aviation (GA) parking as well from ATC. I noted the gates all identified as "Ramps" vice "Gates"; not sure if this is a factor. I do understand that other commercial MSFS2020 scenery designers that have had this issue in the past, said they corrected it naming updates (don't know any details outside that) and/of parking sizes. The size looks fine though in this case (I used GSX to select Gate 11 used by DAL). Could I ask for your help with this? It would be great to land and get "Taxi to Gate" for commercial airlines. If I can help in any way, please let me know. Thank you! Best Regards, Mike
  10. Thanks! I will try a reinstall with clean community folder. Best Regards, Mike
  11. I have yet to figure out a way to resolve my issue, but haven't given up. I did notice something; iniBuilds KLAX shows in the "Not Installed" folder of the content manager. I realize that usually doesn't mean anything with 3rd party scenery, but thought I would mention it just in case. Also, since my first post of the issue, I have performed a complete clean install of MSFS and KLAX, but still not change. If I don't run in Admin mode, it's missing most all the taxiway signs and jetways. With Admin mode, everything is there. I'll really puzzled by this one!
  12. Hello! I have an issue with some signs "floating" well above the taxiway (A) going to RWY 07 and wanted to ask if this is something known or perhaps something I can fix? If I can provide any additional info, please let me know. Thank you for any insight, recommendations, or help! Regards, Mike i9-13900K 64GB DDR5-5600 RTX 4090 2TB Samsung 990Pro NVME Dedicated MSFS system Win 11 Pro
  13. Awesome! Thank you for the help & support!
  14. I did try it without Admin on the update, but no luck. Definitely something to do with running as Admin, but I have no clue. Thanks!
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