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  1. Hello, Just curious if there’s been an update on making the KCRW scenery compatible for XP12? Regards, Matthew Ede
  2. Understandable Chris! Thanks for your response. Whenever CRW comes to XP12, I look forward to it! Regards, Matthew
  3. Hello, Just curious, if there is an update on the status of x-plane 12 compatibility for the KCRW scenery? Regards, Matthew
  4. Sounds good Chris!! looking forward to it.
  5. Hello, Just curious if this scenery will be updated to be compatible with X-plane 12 and if so, what is the time line looking like? Regards, Matthew Ede
  6. No problem!! I’m now taking flight lessons out of this airport so if there’s anything I can do. If you want pictures of anything just let me know.
  7. Hello, I really love this scenery as it is my hometown airport and I fly in out of this airport the most in X-Plane. I have 3 things I want to bring up as some tweaks that could be made. 1. The jetways, B1 and B2, connect to the airplane boarding doors but are a little low. The other jetways in concourses C and A connect to the airplane but they are in the ground. I will attach pictures to show what I’m talking about. 2. There’s a dip in the runway, right at taxiway A2 that causes planes to bounce violently on takeoff and landing. It’s not smooth like the rest of the runway. 3. The last thing I want to mention is the ground at Concourse C is sloped instead of flat. Can this area be flattened a little bit? It isn’t sloped in real life. Other than these items, I love this scenery. It’s so detailed down to the tiniest things. Thank you for all the work that went into this project. I was excited to see this scenery when it was announced. Regards, Matthew
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