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Everything posted by Ale2000

  1. Hi Kevin, i dont see any updates being added since July/august with quite a number of requests not acted on, can you please advise if you are still intending to continue or is this project at an end Tks Alex
  2. Hi Kevin Any chance of these at any point? ZYHB DIAP WMPK HBBA HTDA The patch released for Maastricht from Aerosoft sadly does not change anything... at least not for me. Tks
  3. Hi Kevin Hope you are well and that we will see updates at some point.. Can you please add LBSF (Sofia) to the list. Any indications of impact on the new P3D update to existing patches? Tks Ale
  4. Hi Kevin, Tks for the latest's updates, on LFBO sadly i dont have any runway lights at all, any fix for this you know of?
  5. Hi Kevin Herer a small list of new requests, most are smaller less know fields but would be good to see africa more flyable.. ZYHB DIAP WMPK HBBA HTDA Tks
  6. Plus a few other older ones which dont look good in V5 HKMO Mombassa FOOL Libreville PTSA Kosrae NFFN Fiji Thank you
  7. Happy new year if possible SEQU old Aerosoft. both a bleed of default buildings as well as an ALT issue and no lights OPKC from MSK SLSU very old from Latin VFr but still the only one out there and its a heck of an approach from rwy 05
  8. And one more please Kevin if possible FMNN Nosy Be in Madagascar, for the absolute wonderful freeware add on which sadly looks horrible in V5.. Tks
  9. Kevin, Quick note tks for the fast turnout on these exclusion files. All work great with exception of GCRR Air Bridges have disappeared LIFR Air Bridges are there but terminals have disappeared USSS seems be a flatten or ALT issue RFJU Nagasaki, my request was for he Packsim version not the Wing Creation one. the Exclude file seems to have sorted a runway issue but the terminal and buildings are still the default one The rest are great Tks
  10. It at all possible could these be considered RJFU LIRA LIRF LIRN LIMJ GCRR USSS Tks
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