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Everything posted by IchBinsFlo

  1. Hey, So I have the same issue with stutters and frame drops when panning my camera at airports like DTW, JFK, and LAX. PHNL has not been a big issue for me so far. My settings and specs are RTX 4080, i9-13900k, 64gb ddr5 ram, MSFS running on an m.2, I run MSFS on Ultra settings with TLOD and OLOD on 100. My key part to not having these stutters is to reduce the texture quality to low or medium because when it's on high MSFS becomes unplayable at these airports. With texture quality set to High, I get around 140fps in the air but terrible stutters on the ground. I don't know if there ever will be a fix to this issue before MSFS2024 but that's at least my observation.
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