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  1. Hi team, any update on when a patch will be available?
  2. I’m on Xbox series S, installed the update today which addresses the spikes on the approach to runway 23 however a giant spike now appears in the same location as the pictures above. Also, the terrain where the Skyline gondola complex is appears corrupt. The gondolas are buried in the hill, the restaurant complex at the top of the hill doesn’t appear and the luge track is buckled and distorted. When I uninstalled the scenery the hill appears as it should with all gondolas visible, the complex is situated as it should and all tracks intact. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this also?
  3. Hi there, In some ways I’m pleased it’s not just me experiencing issues! For me most of the airfield seems ok, however the runway 23 approach has issues with the terrain where it displays as a solid spikey triangle which reverts back to the normal terrain in close proximity before popping back to the sharp spikey ‘pyramids’. I’ll attach a screenshot to illustrate. Otherwise it’s a fantastic scenery, hopefully a fix isn’t too difficult to implement.
  4. @Max Hi again, I was hoping the latest update may have fixed the issues. The tarmac ground textures seemed to have corrected themselves however the Asobo default scenery still appears. I guess the only option now is to uninstall and reinstall the simulator?
  5. Thanks again for the follow up @Max I’ll hold off reinstalling for the time being hoping for their fix!
  6. Thanks Max, appreciate your assistance. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for now and hope a resolution can be found down the track! Cheers.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply Max, I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the scenery a couple of times and rebooted the console. The issue still remains unfortunately however I’ll try again later today. It’s a real shame as the scenery is fantastic! I have other payware sceneries installed which have no problem, it just seems to be this one.
  8. Hi there, I have downloaded and installed NZQN from Marketplace for XBOX. The scenery installed with no issue however it now appears over top of the existing Asobo default NZQN. There are 2 control towers visible, cars are parked inside buildings and the apron and runway markings are a mess as they are duplicated. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the scenery however the issue remains. Is there any way I can in-install the default scenery so that only the iniScene scenery is displayed? Screenshots attached as reference:
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