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  1. When flying an offset non-precision approach with FLS, the F-LOC beam projected by the FMS presents a straight runway extension instead of the offset approach path as described by the FCOM. See the following pictures for an example from EBBR on the VOR 07L, which is offset by 15°. Note the difference between the magenta-dashed FLS beam and the solid green NAV path. According to the FCOM however the FLS beam should extend from the MAP (recoded as EPxxx, here EP07L) on the reciprocal of the final approach course, see the FCOM reference below: This makes FLS basically useless for offset approaches in the current implementation. Behaviour is consistent across FS20 and FS24 with both NG and default navdata and tested at various airports. The requirerd data should be available in the NG dataset at least, see the below excerpt from the NG database for the Prepar3D FSLabs A32X with the relevant data highlighted in yellow:
  2. Are you by chance viewing the offside OIS? The options are only on the left side OIS
  3. Yet another issue I discovered, had another traffic crossing opposite direction on the same airway, 1000ft above and in level flight, yet TCAS marked them immediately as an RA intruder from about 20nm out. To my understanding of TCAS and from how it's implemented on the A220 I fly IRL, that should only have resulted in a proximate traffic symbol at most. Of course I'm not too familiar with the A350 irl, but I cannot imagine that this represents realistic behaviour
  4. Another issue that just popped up, re-entering an approach without re-entering the arrival breaks the routing, even if the arrival is applicable for both approaches. Steps to reproduce: Initially enter FAOR AVAGO 1C ILS Y 03L, then change to ILS Z 03R without reselecting the arrival. Results in the last waypoint of the route (in my case ITROL) being connected with a direct to CI03R Similarly when just reselecting / changing the arrival, the approach will be removed from the routing. Using Navigraph Database in FS2020
  5. Furthermore, with FLT ID DISPLAY ON ND set to OFF, the ND should still show a basic aircraft symbol instead of just the TCAS other traffic symbol Note also the padding issue around the TCAS symbol with the relative altitude overlapping the traffic symbol.
  6. Vatsim traffic is being shown with incorrect wake vortex category on the ND traffic information symbol The aircraft here is listed on Vatsim as aircraft type A359 and correctly identified as a heavy on vatsim Radar, however the traffic information symbol shows it as a medium. the traffic information window on the SURV - TRAFFIC Page does not list a wake turbulence category at all. FCOM Reference:
  7. Hi, I found two issues with the F-PLN/FIX INFO page, for one there's an overflow of the radius field, as shown here: Furthermore, any entry above 256NM results in an ENTRY OUT OF RANGE info, even though per FCOM it should allow entries up to 9999nm Thanks for your consideration
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