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  1. Came here to make sure that someone had pointed this out already as it's a shame that it's been impacted and would be good to get it back to its full glory. As well as the buildings missing I've also noticed a texture issue where the colour of the grass on the airfield is very different to the surrounding area and a few parts look a bit funny as though the texture is missing completely. Unfortunately don't have a screenshot of it at the moment but hopefully it's easy to reproduce.
  2. r2b2nz

    FPS drop

    I don't have a lot of other major scenery add-ons but Fly Tampa YSSY seems ok and the freeware Gatwick scenery from Flightsim.to that is known to cause issues doesn't cause too much of an issue FPS wise for me (lowers the FPS slightly but not to same degree).
  3. r2b2nz

    FPS drop

    Took out all the community content that was easily removable and didn't see any change. I've attached a list of mods that were still enabled in case it helps. One thing I wondered about is whether its the animated people that might be causing the issue. However as I drone around there are spots where the animation is visible with a reasonable FPS. I've just been doing a bit of droning around checking out FPS around the airport and it seems to vary anything from 15 up to 30. Viewing the airside side of the terminal building seems to bring the biggest drop even if viewed from above the roof looking towards the gate parking areas although really there is no common thread I can find to point at what types of material etc. might be the biggest pain-points...
  4. r2b2nz

    FPS drop

    Thanks for the reply and for taking an interest in checking out if there might be a reason behind it. I've got a Ryzen 5 1600 CPU with 32Gb RAM and a GTX 1050 Ti (4GB VRAM). Native resolution is 2560x1440 and I've attached a copy of the graphics settings from MSFS. Let me know if you need to know any other settings or info. Haven't popped into the sim without any other add-ons yet but will do that and let you know if there is any change in behaviour.
  5. r2b2nz

    FPS drop

    Hi I realise that there might not be anything that can be done but just wanted to raise that, on my system, I get a fairly significant drop in FPS with the iniScene NZQN scenery in certain spots. Looking towards the terminal seems to cause about a 6-10 FPS drop but if I move out to a slightly different spot it goes back up to a more normal figure for me. I've attached a couple of views that exhibit the change in FPS for reference. As I've said, not sure if anything can or should be done (my system isn't the most powerful) but thought I'd raise it in case any further optimisations could be looked into. Having said all that, the scenery looks great so nice work!
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