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Everything posted by Adamski_NZ

  1. Yes - I tried that. The damn' things still show up. Even if I set all AI *and* Ground Aircraft to zero, they still show. The only way I could kludge it was to rename the aircraft.cfg in asobo-aircraft-generic-airliner-twinengines\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_Generic_Airliner_TwinEngines Adam.
  2. Here we go: As it's obviously *not* an Inibuilds NZQN problem, I've taken this to Avsim: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/607721-how-do-i-get-rid-of-these-butt-ugly-static-aircraft/ However - if any of you knowledgeable devs know a way of digging out the culprit files - or find a way of disabling them, I'd be really grateful! Adam.
  3. Yep - I know they're not part of your addon (!) - they've been bugging me since day one, LOL!. I just thought (during development) that you'd managed to find a way of disabling the horrid things!!! It doesn't matter how I set traffic: 0% - 100%, Generic on or off - I've tried every combination of every traffic-related setting. Air traffic live, AI, none, plus ground traffic - all at various percentages. These aircraft spawn no matter what. I'll do a screengrab of my typical/usual settings but, as I said above - nothing seems to gert rid of them. I vaguely remember some oldAvsim thread that might have mentioned this, but it was a fair while ago. I'll do a search. Adam.
  4. Here you go (I'm in the RNZAF A320): It doesn't matter what combination of ground or AI traffic settings I try, those two ugly brutes *always* appear. Worse still, the gates are flagged as apparently empty so, more often than not, you spawn on top of one of them. I tried emptying the Asobo NZQN folder and creating a dummy layout.json to fool MSFS into *not* redownloading it on startup, but they still appeared. I don't remember seeing these appear in your promo videos (I'll maybe re-view them) so it must be possible to disable them somehow (?!!?). Anyway - apart from that - I'm enjoying NZQN hugely - many thanks! Adam.
  5. Hi! Congratulations on the release! Do we have to disable the stock Asobo NZQN for this addon? Is it possible/advisable? The reason I ask, is that I still get those two butt-ugly static airliners showing - even though I have static/airport traffic set to zero. They totally ruin the immersion - of what looks like a stunning addon. I have the ORBX mesh, BTW. Adam.
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