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Everything posted by Jestersstick

  1. Never had issues with previous versions of 350 in either FS20 or 24. Was convinced ppl weren't clearing their wasm folders or smthg bc it was smooth flying for me since release. Experienced first wasm crash @30 mins ago w/1.0.2 in FS20 during final appr to KDEN after flying 11hrs from Munich. I flew long-haul flights on FS24 w/350 past few days all over the globe w/o issues and thought it would be good time to see how it was in FS20...not a good choice. I did see a post by some1 that after clearing WASM folder, u should start flight on runway, afterwards you can start from gate, etc as normal. No idea why starting on rwy for first flight after deleting wasm folder is key, but belly-landing after 11hrs is not my idea of a good time. Should have taken the 777. Now im afraid to take the 350 anywhere in either sim😔
  2. Thx for heads-up re BeyondATC auto-tune bc I was going to fire it up next flight. I assume thats on BATC's end and they will update app soon. I know I had similar issue in another a/c and next day BATC update fixed it. I wouldnt say the GSX integration works in 2020...that would be a stretch bc I couldn't re-fuel. Easy fix was turning off GSX-integration option and doing it the normal way. Ease of take-off was a surprise b/c I had a full load, but I work in an office and dont fly 350s for a living so I just rolled with it. I also noticed its extremely easy to over-speed during taxi, which is odd considering the weight/mass- that may not be an issue in fs24 b/c of the new taxi-physics or w/e MS claimed they had in it. Im sure these bugs can be ironed-out soon and INI will show us FS20 users some love b/c there certainly is a lot of simmers holding off on 24 b/c it has probs. Overall, I enjoy the a/c and love the attention to detail while at cruising alt b/c I have no intentions of trying to descend and land if the AP-alarm wont shut off.
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