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Everything posted by ecamactionsplease

    Any chance of an update?
    Real beauty but
  1. Yes. I've been using this one. Haven't done empty community folder yet. Will see if anyone else reports
  2. Is this still unrealistic? Feels ridiculous. Skip to 1:29
  3. I currently use the official profile with a +20 fuel factor. This tends to give me a systematic buffer of 400kg overhead fixes. Poor approach energy management means that I eat into this and usually land with about a 1.5T deficit even with the fuel factor. This is on short sectors. I typically max out at 50 mins cruise This is with SU11 and 12. Is toolbarpushback causing this or is this known?
  4. what should turb be set to? i want realism
  5. Are there any reference pitch powers for manual flight? This is my first time flying something heavier than a 73, 320 and im struggling with the pitch power coupling for trimming as well as high power numbers on approach.
  6. Update: Only the liveries that I want are failing to install. Alitalia and czech for example works, but emirates and royal jordanians fail
  7. Persistent issue since day 1 of the a310 release. Ini community folder established correctly and livery folders being created. Liveries are only 5 files and 4 folders. Textures completely missing
  8. I am still having this error to date. edit: this is a very similar error where the liveries come out like pictured
  9. I think my post was deleted but not sure. can reverse thrust up to 130kts at 140T. Apparently msfs issue. can it be fixed?
  10. hello. how do you get your alpha's trim switch to control the yoke trim switch? mine is moving the trim wheel which means no whooler
  11. Do you know if anybody is working on an MEA livery for the A310? The currently available repaints look fantastic. Can't wait to download the Royal Jordanian to make a trip down memory lane.
  12. is this aircraft going to be accurate systems and performance wise? I heard that with the A300 for example, engine options were purely cosmetic
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