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Mountain Man B

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  1. Thanks for the update and hard work. I loaded into both airports this morning and its fixed. Great Job!
  2. So when I install KVCV everything looks normal at the airport(KVCV). When I load Into Skyline Simulations KLGB with KVCV installed this is what KLGB looks like.
  3. Good Morning. I am just trying to figure out a situation here and don't know which scenery is the problem. I bought KVCV but every time I install it, it conflicts with my Skyline Simulations KLGB. The ground textures at KLGB change whenever I add KVCV into my community folder. I have to have KVCV uninstalled to see KLGB correctly with the ground textures. Is this a KVCV or a Skyline Simulations problem with conflicting mesh.
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