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  1. petetech

    LVAR Spadnext

    Thank you! :)
  2. petetech

    LVAR Spadnext

    I cant seem to see it.... One for PMDG 737, 777, the ATR.... I surely can't be finding it this hard to figure out what command is used for the ap disconnect 😞
  3. petetech

    LVAR Spadnext

    Hey, im trying to set all my hardware as i require, and im having a lot of difficulty finding the relevant LVAR for each item. Some i have managed, others im finding impossible. Event viewer is hit and miss if i can get it to show something happening. Seems to be multiple strings sent for some things. Just wondered, is there a list available of all the lvars along side a description. Main things are toga button, AT disconnect things like that. Im trying to build the entire profile outside of MSFS controls so as not to have to annoyingly set the profile every time i switch aircraft (the most annoying thing on MSFS)
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