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Umi Akai

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Umi Akai last won the day on October 16 2024

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  1. After set the FLEX on TMP, up on line up runway, you should catch the TO/GA lever on throttle to trigger the Takeoff mode for AP and AT. They call A300 the best Boeing Airbus have ever built for reason....
  2. Sorry for been late, I didn't noticed, here is my 2 lua I use with FWL under XP12, it also have some other control settings you may not need. And I still not sure if the axis binding works for different hardware. INI3ST.lua INI300.lua
  3. Digital display is Fuel used, not FF.
  4. Well, Both Boeing and Airbus do not recommend using G as a indicator, because 1.the sample rate for G force sensor is not fine enough to get the peak G, and 2.the position of G force sensor might not give the full picture over the whole aircraft structure. And the same apply to sim world too. Meanwhile, on part25, aircraft is required to withstand a 720fpm landing at MLW and 360fpm landing at MTOW. So I agree with you, no need to chase sub-100 "butter", just fly the aircraft on the runway, in the zone.
  5. 200~250 fpm is perfect normal landing, don't get fool to think you have to butter every time.
  6. Hi, I'm going to build a new PC, so what should I do to carry iniManager and 3 buses with it? Do I need do anything like deactivation on current PC? Also if I just copy old XP11 install into the new PC, could iniManager just read those files rather than have to redownload from online (which was painfully slow back then)
  7. I believe JustFlight is working on one?
  8. AFAKI, in NOV.2021, airbus updated SOP for A318~A388, some tweaks in pre-flight, over all flow been more smooth and checklist also dropped annoying "below the line"(and even the whole After T.O checklist). The SOP on A306/310 was somewhat similar to later Buses, but some system are still different, Now I have get used to new Airbus SOP, thus when flying A306/310, I feel the difference is much larger than before, and some flow can be changed to new one even consider the difference in system. (but some, not much, for eg. only check MEMO for landing) My company have retired all A310s long ago, so we don't have access to that part IRL, I wonder if anyone knows. btw it's possible some realworld operator still use old SOP after airbus have updated their "recommend one", it's up to the airline.
  9. It's not free for end user either, the MSFS itself with all it's contents have it's price. You don't get ripped off if your car or house or stocks go half price the minute after you have purchased it, that's how capitalism works.
  10. No, while I don't fly MSFS, it was a fair deal even if they make A310 free now for XP11/12, like Felis Tu154 did. But I do hope they put more time to fix few bugs here and there right now in XP version.
  11. well, after few days of test flying, there are few problems: 1. it'll block better pushback for turning the aircraft, so I had to add another condition for if I3_RUDDER > 0.03 or I3_RUDDER < -0.03 then Thus better pushback could works when all controller are neutral And somehow A3ST have negative rudder output number, so I have to make a separate lua for it with "*-0.1935"
  12. Hi, as we know, with ini's A300/310, if Nosewheel steering set to Tiller as you have a hardware for it, the rudder pedal would not move nosewheel at all, while IRL the rudder pedal would have 6 degree of control on it, this make high-speed taxi and initial take off roll extremely hard to control. ini says they'll look into... but years gone....so I decide made my own one... Disclaimer: 1. this script does not intended to simulate actually system working, and may not work accurate with all condition (especially with failure), however it's useful as my test for normal high-speed taxi and initial take off roll (especially with some cross wind). 2. you may need some basic skill on Flywithlua and DataRefTool to work with this script, my script almost certain would not work on your system right away. Here is the code, if you don't know how to use it, probably you'll need get some basic study on "Flywithlua" before try it: if (PLANE_ICAO ~= "A306" and PLANE_ICAO ~= "A310" and PLANE_ICAO ~= "A3ST") then --this is my way to detect airplane, you might use different one, if you have other non-ini's A306/A310/A3ST do return end else dataref("I3_AIRGN", "sim/flightmodel/failures/onground_any", "readonly") dataref("I3_RUDDER", "sim/flightmodel/controls/ldruddef", "readonly") dataref("I3_NOSEST", "sim/flightmodel2/gear/tire_steer_command_deg", "writable",0) dataref("I3_NOSESTW", "sim/joystick/joy_mapped_axis_value", "readonly",37) --this is my joystick map for tiller, it's almost certain you'll have a different one function I3_RD_NWST() if I3_AIRGN == 1 then if I3_NOSESTW < 0.03 and I3_NOSESTW > -0.03 then -- I use 0.03 as a "deadzone" for tiller to enable rudder input, you may need different value. I3_NOSEST = I3_RUDDER * 0.1935 end end end do_every_frame("I3_RD_NWST()") end
  13. 那么,哪里可以下载呢🤪
  14. Most of the time on those small updates I need download twice, lucky it's only few 10+mb, sometimes it could be done once, and I have one occasion yesterday have to download 3 times. But all the invalidate download didn't have any error, just stay on "update available" state after the process bar have gone to 100% and disappeared
  15. I want reinstall all 3 aircraft from ini with manager, now I'm downloading A300 very slowly, I think it'll took few hours, and I'm about to go to sleep, I'm thinking about queue all 3 aircraft for download and get them all done next morning, but seems there is no effect of click other products Install Product buttons Is this intentional? Could it be done?
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