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Posts posted by Cammac

  1. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    The A300 and A310 are using the CFD FM over both the wing and elevator it means that the aircraft will move around a fair bit more than a standard MSFS addon even when it seems like you have calm conditions as the overall FM is more reactive to the environment. You can normally see this at the higher levels more due to the fact MSFS is adding in higher levels on en-route turbulence than the lower FLs which can be quite reflective of real life. 


     Here you can see the VSI going up and down a fair bit showing this can be quite normal. 


    Many thanks,


  2. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    The A300's PROFILE mode will not respect CST in CLB only DES. It's a strange system but from what I understand the reason for this is the level off is not command in the same way. So when you are in LVL change you will get ALT* and then ALT. In P.CLB you have no transition mode and with the very high climb rates of the A300 it will bust the level-offs in P.CLB, so the system was never made to level off for CST in CLB.

    Many thanks, 


    • Like 1
  3. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    -For your first point could you clarify the situation? If climbing in LVL change it would be expected to go ALT* ALT HLD and then selected speed on the FCU. If climbing in PROFILE would expect no transition mode it go directly into P.ALT and P.SPD with the speed coming from the FMS. 

    -That seems like it might be a sound bug as I would expect it to stay rumbling all the time the speed brake is out. 

    -I tried to replicate this but was not able to see the same cooling effect from the brake fans. I did an RTO brakes got up to 725c and I waited 5 minutes after brake application to set the brake fan and it took 6 more minutes to reach 345c. 


    Many thanks, 

  4. Hi, 

    Thanks for the post. 

    As posted above the GD speed seems correct but the A300s wing is rather old so getting up to the higher FLs mean you can be very close to the GD speed margin. But in the picture you posted it's still safe to keep flying. 

    Many thanks, 

    • Like 2
  5. Hi, 

    I do but we can't share those documents the video linked are those SOPs but in video format. And for the RNAV approach into NZQN in the real aircraft you would not be allowed to fly the approach LNAV only. As it contains RF legs which the real A310 is not allowed to fly. So for a real pilot on the line flying into NZQN they would simply not be allowed / be able to select those complex circling approaches even if flown LNAV with FPA cage setup. 

    And approaches with curved final approach tracks will be set as RNP (AR) approaches and they can't even be flown by most A320s that are currently flying so would be well outside the A310 using either LNAV only or LNAV/VNAV coupled. 


  6. Hi, 

    Thanks for the reply. 

    From my understanding you are correct that Profile mode can't fly things like RF legs etc at NZQN but it can be used for guidance down to MDA. The QRH / FCOM you might be reading could be referenced to an aircraft without FINAL X.X mode. This was a customer option and did allow flight crews to fly in VNAV coupled down to MDA and was the SOP for airlines with this fitted. 

  7. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    We have not actually modeled this part of the AFS. You might ask why not and why leave the EFIS FPA knob working.  Flight crews actually use the knob on taxi out as a reminder for the trim to set. So they put 1.4 in the FPA window to remind them to set 1.4 UP or DN trim. 

    One of the reasons this feature is not as needed for the ini 310 is the fact we have the FINAL X.X mode. This was a customer option on the A300/A310 series but we did model it. What is it? 

    This system allows VOR approaches and NDB approaches to be flown as an RNAV approach. The mode allows the VNAV to be coupled to the final descent path down to the runway so you then monitor the given altitude VS the approach plate. 

    Please see below for a video of the system in action. Warning it's a bit complicated to setup. 


    Many thanks, 

  8. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    The RAT system on the 310 is not quite like the A320 or newer family. This comes down the fact it's more conventional. If you need the RAT you have to physically pull the handle either side to get it to come out. Nothing will auto trigger it to deploy. If you have AC power. Which of course in your case you didn't the GREEN PUMP and PTUs can be used in flight to power the aircraft up. 

    If you wish you could deploy the RAT before engine flameout then you would have had Yellow system pressure right away and would have no loss of HYD systems. But be warned the RAT will actually stall below 140kts and pressure will scale with airspeed and when you get close to 140kts you may get less HYD pressure than you are used. 

  9. Hi, 

    Thank you for taking the time to write this post. Sorry that it took a while to get back to you on this one. 

    I've just got a few follow up questions on some of the issues raised. I will list them in order below:

    - Maybe this is down to the FMS fit or software version but from the documents we have this field is not adjustable


    -This again maybe might be down to an FMS fit or software version or indeed an issue, but from the information we have the VDEV on the PROG page is based on total distance flown without correction for the FINALX. X mode whereas the VDEV on the approach page is taking this into account giving the accurate figure for the final descent segment. 

    -For the auto throttle software version we based the 310 around auto retard only worked with an ILS approach as it's coupled with FLARE mode. I will link the references below. But I understand they adjusted this logic on later fits which matches what you reported is expected. 



    From the later software fit:


    I can fully see why the newer software versions would have made this change, ha. 

    -At this time we have not included the FPA cage display, but we can look to add this. We left the display working on the EFIS panels as I know some crew use it as a reminder of the takeoff trim setting. 

    -For the aircraft breaks I did actually see another report of this but if you are on the latest Beta it should be 100% fixed if not please reply here to let me know and we can track it. 

    -For the NAV track we should have modelled this but maybe it's not working as expected. I tried to take some images with an extremely long leg but it's possible the effect is not great enough or not working consistently. 

    At the start of long leg. 


    600 miles later in NAV no DIR TO. 


    All the other items will be added to our tracker thanks again for the report. 



  10. Hi, 

    We have modeled all the textures and 3D from real pictures / references for the A310. 

    You can see here the HYD gauges are painted with a very bright green in the real aircraft that are night time gets even more exaggerated. 






    I can't find a good image of the real A310 at night time but the green gets quite a bit brighter with the back light. 

    Hope this helps. 



  11. Hi, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    You will need to put in the weather by hand but you can auto populate the TORA and QDM if you have the runway inserted into the FMS. Please check out the videos linked below that go over the FMS and EFB setup: 


    • Like 1
  12. Hi. 

    Please check the inner part of the wheel it shows 1 UP 1 DN and the green band is the takeoff range. The EFB will show you what value to set UP or DN on the weight and balance page. 

    Hope this helps. 

    • Like 3
  13. Hi, 

    Thanks for the post. 

    Arrows are noted for that one thanks. The Door should move but it takes around 60 seconds to open so the movement is really slow. The APU will wait until it sees the door open before it kicks into the start cycle. 

    Ah not sure why that happened. Can you try again with the pressure system as I checked myself and was / is working but maybe something triggered it off. 

    Many thanks. 

  14. Hi. 

    Thanks for the post, 

    If you load the flight plan on the world map when you click fly the FMS will not have the flight plan loaded as shown in the quick start video. But if you click on world map in sim you will still see the full route you selected on the world map. 

    The reason the FMS will not load the route is we have a fully custom FMS that sits inside a WASM module, which has no way to interact with the default world map view. This allows us to bring a high fidelity aircraft in terms of core systems an FMS. If your flight plan in the FMS matches the world map from what I understand the ATC will still follow along. 

  15. Hi. 

    Thanks for your post. 

    Only thing I can think of is did you press the rudder pedals? As even with the AP on rudder pedal input will be taken into account and will cause a large amount of banking. 



  16. Hi, 

    Thanks for the post.  It seems strange what is happening and I can only think of a few things that might causes it.  But to start with I will go over some logic for the A300/A310 when compared to the A320 as with the flaps and VAPP it's not quite the same. Selecting the flap setting in the FMS will change the target VAPP but that's all it will do. As you need to of course set VAPP yourself manually in the A300. Like the A320 family you need to tell the GPWS that you want to do a reduced flaps landing and need to set that switch to either 30/40 or 15/20. But from your original post I can see these are set correctly. 

    You mentioned that the approach speed is always in the red band? Is it possible to show an image of the PFD and the cockpit when on approach when you have these issues? As this might give me more of an idea of what the aircraft thinks is going on. 

    Another suggestion / idea which I think is the most likely cause. How are you setting your flaps? Is it with a key command or an axis. If you are using an axis this might be setting the handle to 30/40 but the flaps in the flight model might not actually be coming down to match this. If you are indeed using an axis please try using key commands and see if the issue comes back. 

    Finally as mentioned if your speed is above 160kts below 1000ft you might trigger the GPWS warning as that is right on the edge of the envelope for stability. 

    Many thanks, 

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