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KLAX didn´t load at all


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Hello Guy´s

had a really strange issue today installed KLAX did a test flight everything looks great so far. So I have done a 5 hours flight from KMIA. Just to find the airport like this.


The hole Airport did load in.... Never ever had these issues before with any other airport at all.... Any Idea what could cause these Issues.


best regards



Edited by Barto
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17 minutes ago, DMullert said:

Make sure you uninstall the original KLAX from Asobo in content manager.

I did that before make now a short hope from KSAN up to KLAX to see if it was just a one time event. When I load straid into KLAX everything works great.


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37 minutes ago, CSN328 said:

Same problem here....And I disable the original KLAX.

ohhh...I know why! Because some how INI think it should be install on Microsoft Flight Simulator\LocalCache\Packages\Community

After move to Microsoft Flight Simulator\Community,everything came back to normal.

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For all with scenery loading issues, here are some steps to try. Please do let me know if they work for you, or if you're still having issues.

  • Delete your Content.xml file at `%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache` *
  • At the same location, delete the contents of the `SceneryIndexes` folder.
  • Clear your rolling cache, or any manual cache you have of the area.
  • Ensure your scenery is installed into the correct location (Community folder)


* after doing this, if you use Navigraph navdata, you may need to re-run the Navigraph navdata downloader

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