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Diamond DA40 crashes X-Plane


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Three times I've had X-plane crash while loading the DA40, and then I finally managed to get it loaded by loading another plane and then switching to the DA40, and then X-plane crashed when I started the engine!

It seems to fail due to an invalid VRconfig file, which is odd given that I'm not using VR.

0:20:49.658 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/SimSolutions/SimSolutions DA40/DA40-XP11_vrconfig.txt
0:20:49.658 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/SimSolutions/SimSolutions DA40/DA40-XP11_vrconfig.txt
0:20:49.658 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/SimSolutions/SimSolutions DA40/DA40-XP11_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:20:49.658 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/SimSolutions/SimSolutions DA40/DA40-XP11_vrconfig.txt
0:20:49.658 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/SimSolutions/SimSolutions DA40/DA40-XP11_vrconfig.txt is not valid!

I'm on Manjaro Linux with a 5.17 kernel using an AMD GPU with the latest drivers.

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