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Hi, I too faced the same issue as some others on here. While all assistances have been turned off, and mouse to not control aircraft. It seems that whenever i move my mouse and the toolbar handle activates, it causes steering issues as well as flying issues. it causes the aircraft to move in the same direction (be it on the ground or the air) although the wheel/ailerons are pointing otherwise.

Anyone else facing this bug? No add-ons installed, SU1 beta is used and this bug doesn't work for other types of aircraft on MSFS2024.

Thank you! 🙂


Maybe I'm being dense, but what does the "toolbar handle" mean? What other controllers do you have? I don't have anything fancy, just a logitech joystick and old Saitek rudder pedals, but its adequate. This is the video that really helped me sort my setup out, I recommend it:



Hey thanks for the reply. I have a TCA Thrustmaster. The toolbar handle refers to the bar that appears at the top of the screen for you to access camera/ATC/EFB etc. which cant be switched off unfortunately!

The A350 works fine on my MSFS2020 thankfully, just 2024 thats having this issue


Ya, I still don't have all the controls set, I keep toggling between a 2020 setup, but then walkaround doesn't work, but 2024 setting i really hate in the cockpit. A pox on Asobo for this hassle, lol, I've finally consigned myself to getting used to a few things being different in 2024 and just moving on.

Like you,  I had 2020 working first also, but now I just updated my memory to 64G and the laggy problems in the cockpit are gone, so now the real hindrance to the new sim is gone.



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