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CPNY- F-PLAN REQUEST grayed out ?

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4 hours ago, txnoodles said:

 My CPNY F-PLAN REQUEST is grayed out. I can't click on the menu. What does it depend on? Even with the engines off the menu is unavailable.



should be there if engines are off. did you link your simbrief ID in the EFB? and have a valid flightplan filed?


read somewhere you should also (first?) import the fp in the EFB. No idea whether that does the trick. just made a longer flight EGLL-KBOS without any problems...

oh, just to rule that out. did you use the "official" simbrief profile for the 350? and also set the units to be the same, both EFB and simbrief must be either LBS or KG, mismatch did not let me load a fp earlier (in the EFB) though it gave me an error message in the EFB

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