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How to - Aircraft Weathering via OIS - Dynamic vs Fixed

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On the iniBuilds A350 Airliner you can set the visual weathering on the aircraft exterior via the On-board Information System (OIS) display. This adds affects of weathering around rivets and general dirt/grime over various components of the exterior that is persistent per variant.


OIS Weathering Slider

You can control the various levels of weathering on the OIS Aircraft settings page which can be reached via FLT OPS MENU > OPTIONS > AIRCRAFT.

(Click to enlarge image)

Fixed vs Dynamic Weathering

The weathering behaviour differs depending on the simulator in use as follows

  • MSFS 2024 - Dynamic: The initial weathering state is set by the OIS Weathering slider and continues to dynamically increase over time. It will be manually "reset" by adjusting the slider.

    Note: The OIS Weathering slider itself does not dynamically move over time. It is only used to set the initial weathering state whenever moved. However you will notice the dirt, grime and weathering of rivets change over time externally.

  • MSFS 2020 - Fixed: The weathering state is set by the OIS Weathering slider and remains at that that setting until until manually "reset" by adjusting the slider.

    Note: The weathering state is persistent, per variant, over different sim sessions until manually "reset" by adjusting the slider.

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