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On my most recent flight with the A300-600R premium (MSFS2024) my fuel gauges suddenly went haywire and I lost quite a bit of tripfuel, resulting in a fuel emergency landing. Also from somewhere in the middle of the flight my DC power (or at least the batteries) died. I discovered this during the ECAM page checks. Verified via the analog indicator in the overhead panel; all 3 batteries dead.

The battery issue I have seen with the A330-200/300 in MSFS2024 as well.

On approach for LICJ Palermo the STAR page didn't have a great day either. I first selected the arrival (in this case the ROSAS5L RNAV RWY25 but the ILS for runway 25 was not in the available approach list. Upon selecting another approach the arrival got deleted. Re-selecting the arrival deleted the approach again. In the end I just flew the arrival and selected the ILS frequency and ILS mode for the flight director but nothing happened. Unsure if this is an MSFS thing, Airac thing or A300 thing (or a happy marriage of all three)...

Just in case: latest AIRAC verified in FMS.

I love the A300-600R a lot, but this was a rough flight!

Kind regards,

Kevin "ToastEmperor" Valk



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