Eddie Posted February 17 Posted February 17 Throttle Calibration Page (OIS) Before you fly, you must calibrate your throttles via the On-board Information System (OIS) display Options > Throttle Calibration Page. (Click to enlarge image) Reverser on Axis Option Verify whether your hardware has a reverse thrust on an axis or not then choose the appropriate option. 'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to NO: The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the IDLE detent position. You may have to bind 'HOLD' / 'TOGGLE REVERSE THRUST' sim control binding to an additional button / input on your hardware to use reverse thrust. This option is recommended for majority of the more commonly used hardware equipment (including Xbox Controllers). 'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to YES: The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the MAX REV detent position for thrust reverser operation. You can additionally define separate IDLE and IDLE REV detent positions. This option is recommended for hardware such as the TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant. (Click to enlarge image) Global Deadzone Option You may define a 'Global Deadzone %' for all detents or input an individual 'DZ%' manually for each detent during the Throttle Calibration Process which we will cover below. The present deadzone % boundary is also shown visually on the axis diagram to the right via white lines above/below your present AXIS % value. These lines indicate that the assigned detent will activate whenever AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % values are within the two white lines. The larger the number, the further apart the white lines will be meaning the the detent is engaged for a larger range of hardware axis movement. 'USE GLOBAL DEADZONE' is set to YES: Quote Note: If you want to change the 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' value, it will only apply after you conduct the Throttle Calibration Process again. Use this option if you want all the detents to have the same deadzone value automatically after you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below. Enter a number in the 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' text box immediately below (Default is 2.5%). The value entered will be applied to all detents (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) whenever you click any of the detent buttons. 'USE GLOBAL DEADZONE' is set to NO: Quote Note: If you want to change the 'DZ %' value for any detent, it will only apply after you conduct the Throttle Calibration Process again. Use this option if you want some of the detents to have a different deadzone value when you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below. Enter a number in the 'DZ %' text box immediately below the detent buttons. The value shown will be applied ONLY to whichever detent button (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) you click. You can then change this value and click a different detent button, and it will apply the shown value as the deadzone for that detent. (Click to enlarge image) Throttle Calibration Process Quote Note: You will have to repeat this process if you want to change DEADZONE % or REVERSER ON AXIS option. You may begin the calibration process by physically moving your hardware axis to your desired position, then clicking the desired detent button (e.g. IDLE/CLB etc.) on the OIS to assign the shown AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % to that respective detent. Example #1 - Reverser On Axis = NO To define the IDLE detent on hardware without reverser on axis: (Click to enlarge image) Move your hardware axis physically to its idle position (e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 will typically read 0%) Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent. Press the 'IDLE' detent button on the OIS. A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Idle Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position. Repeat the same process for each desired detent from IDLE to TOGA. Example #2 - Reverser On Axis = YES To define the CLB detent on hardware with reverser on axis: Move your hardware axis physically to the desired position ( e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 may read ~50% on TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant on its physical CLB detent but may vary per your hardware) Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent. Press the 'CLB' detent button on the OIS. A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Climb Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position. Repeat the same process for each desired detent from MAX REV to TOGA. (Click to enlarge image) Quote Note: TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant users - Ensure you assign your throttles to THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 to 100%) and THROTTLE 2 AXIS (0 to 100%) for the best results. EddieCommunity Manager IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com
Eddie Posted February 26 Author Posted February 26 Issues with Calibration If you experience any issues with the Throttle Calibration process, you may force-reset the calibration on the EFB via either of the following methods: PC & Xbox: Toggle the 'Reverser on Axis' option between YES and NO a few times to reset the calibration. PC Only: Delete the 'ThrottleData.ini' file to start fresh on next launch of the simulator. This file will be found in the work folder of the aircraft, and the path will vary based on where you purchased the simulator:Steam: %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\workMS Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work Issues with Reversers If you experience any issues with the operation of reversers on hardware with reverse on axis (E.g. TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition), please ensure the following: Reverse on Axis: Ensure you have selected YES on the EFB Throttle Calibration page. Calibration: Ensure you have completed the calibration at least once. This will ensure the creation of a 'ThrottleData.ini' file. ThrottleData.ini : The file can be found at the path stated above. Open with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and check that it says the following -[throttle] reverse_on_axis = true If it says false, change it to true as above. Reversers should then work after a sim restart. 1 EddieCommunity Manager IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com
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