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How to - Calibrate my throttles?

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Throttle Calibration Page (OIS)

Before you fly, you must calibrate your throttles via the On-board Information System (OIS) display Options > Throttle Calibration Page.

(Click to enlarge image)

Reverser on Axis Option

Verify whether your hardware has a reverse thrust on an axis or not then choose the appropriate option.

'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to NO:  

  • The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the IDLE detent position.
  • You may have to bind 'HOLD' / 'TOGGLE  REVERSE THRUST' sim control binding to an additional button / input on your hardware to use reverse thrust.
  • This option is recommended for majority of the more commonly used hardware equipment (including Xbox Controllers).

'REVERSER ON AXIS' is set to YES:  

  • The bottom most position of your hardware axis (0%) will be assignable to the MAX REV detent position for thrust reverser operation.
  • You can additionally define separate IDLE and IDLE REV detent positions.
  • This option is recommended for hardware such as the TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant.

(Click to enlarge image)

Global Deadzone Option

You may define a 'Global Deadzone %' for all detents or input an individual 'DZ%' manually for each detent during the Throttle Calibration Process which we will cover below.

The present deadzone % boundary is also shown visually on the axis diagram to the right via white lines above/below your present AXIS % value. These lines indicate that the assigned detent will activate whenever AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % values are within the two white lines. The larger the number, the further apart the white lines will be meaning the the detent is engaged for a larger range of hardware axis movement.



Note:  If you want to change the 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' value, it will only apply after you conduct the Throttle Calibration Process again. 

  • Use this option if you want all the detents to have the same deadzone value automatically after you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below.
  • Enter a number in the 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' text box immediately below (Default is 2.5%).
  • The value entered will be applied to all detents (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) whenever you click any of the detent buttons.



Note: If you want to change the 'DZ %' value for any detent, it will only apply after you conduct the Throttle Calibration Process again.

  • Use this option if you want some of the detents to have a different deadzone value when you complete the Throttle Calibration Process described below.
  • Enter a number in the 'DZ %' text box immediately below the detent buttons.
  • The value shown will be applied ONLY to whichever detent button (MAX REV / IDLE REV / IDLE / CLB etc.) you click.
  • You can then change this value and click a different detent button, and it will apply the shown value as the deadzone for that detent.


(Click to enlarge image)

Throttle Calibration Process


Note: You will have to repeat this process if you want to change DEADZONE % or REVERSER ON AXIS option.

You may begin the calibration process by physically moving your hardware axis to your desired position, then clicking the desired detent button (e.g. IDLE/CLB etc.) on the OIS to assign the shown AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 % to that respective detent.

Example #1  - Reverser On Axis = NO

To define the IDLE detent on hardware without reverser on axis:

(Click to enlarge image)

  • Move your hardware axis physically to its idle position (e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 will typically read 0%)
  • Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent.
  • Press the 'IDLE' detent button on the OIS.
  • A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Idle Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position.
  • Repeat the same process for each desired detent from IDLE to TOGA.


Example #2  - Reverser On Axis = YES

To define the CLB detent on hardware with reverser on axis:

  • Move your hardware axis physically to the desired position ( e.g. AXIS 1 & AXIS 2 may read ~50% on TCA Airbus Throttle Quadrant on its physical CLB detent but may vary per your hardware)
  • Set your desired 'GLOBAL DEADZONE %' or Deadzone (DZ%) for the current detent.
  • Press the 'CLB' detent button on the OIS.
  • A green notification at the top of the screen ('Calibration: Climb Set') will confirm the IDLE detent is set to your present hardware axis position.
  • Repeat the same process for each desired detent from MAX REV to TOGA.

(Click to enlarge image)

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